Hey! Grats on clearing lesson 1! Feedback on work is a little slow recently, hope you're not too bothered. Anyways, here's my crit!

On your lines: They look mostly confident, so that's good. However, your ghosted planes seem not to follow this trait. I think you may have been too conscious of the accuracy at that point, so the confidence suffered a little. Remember that in all things DaB, we prioritise confidence over accuracy at all points. That said, some of your lines seem to arc a little. This tells me that you may be mixing pivots a little. Do try to ensure that the shoulder is the driving force of the motion, while keeping all wrist and elbow movement to near zero, or if not, zero. I find it helps to lock your elbow initially to get a good feel for the movement of the shoulder, then bending the elbow with the shoulder movement in mind. So yeah, don't get too caught up with accuracy, as that mostly comes with practice, and lots of it (yay for warmups)

For your ellipses, the main thing, as with lines, is confidence. Also important is the shape of the ellipse. So, don't be too fearful to break the boundaries of the area where you draw the ellipses. Do also try to keep the ellipses to 2 draw-throughs. While 3 is okay, 2 is ideal. On some of your ellipses, especially the bigger ones, I find that their shape seems to be compromised. Do remember to ghost with confidence, and execute while following the ghosted motion. I find that this keeps distortions to a minimum.

Your boxes seem to be mostly fine. Though I do see some wobbling, most likely due to the larger number of lines made, and that you may be focusing too much on accuracy. Otherwise, I think this section is mostly okay. I will mention not to cancel out your lines as much as possible. One thing to learn in DaB is that you should try to work with your mistakes, and do your best not to cancel, as this may result in more attention being drawn to it. I will say that your rotated boxes look pretty damn good. I think you got the idea down well in this exercise. In the future, you can use line weight to establish dominance in your boxes (for organic perspective and rotated boxes).

Overall, I think you've done a pretty decent job here. I'll mark this done, and you can move on. Do remember to do these exercises as warmups, though!