Hi there Hollence! I'm Eagle, and I'll be providing some feedback on your work today. (Forgive us for taking this long, there are LOADS of new submissions every day)


Good work with your lines. I liked how you made another set of Ghosted planes to draw your ellipses on - always good to do more practice! I can see that you're using the ghosting method well, as your lines are confident and smooth, but I did notice the longer lines being a bit arched at times - nothing major, just something to keep in mind. A possible solution is to consciously arch the other way.


Again, you've shown good adherence to the ghosting method, keep it up! Smooth, confident ellipses are always better than not-so-smooth accurate ones. Accuracy will come with practice, and I personally come back to these ellipse exercises regularly to use as warm ups. If you choose to do the same, work on aligning that minor axis.


Good effort here. Some lines started becoming a bit wobbly, especially in Rough perspective. Make sure to keep using the ghosting method confidently with your boxes too. There's a lot of room for improvement in terms of perspective, but that's what the 250 boxes challenge is for! Remember that any set of parallel lines moving away from you to some degree, and will NEVER diverge.

You're ready to move onto the 250 boxes challenge (if you haven't already done so haha). Hope that helped, and good luck!