Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes

6:46 PM, Friday April 10th 2020

Lesson 1 Homework Drawabox - Album on Imgur

Direct Link: https://i.imgur.com/7CetI68.jpg

Post with 11 views. Lesson 1 Homework Drawabox

Hello, I'm very exciting learning how to draw, I never had deep background with drawing in general so this is my first touch, I feel that I'm learning a lot and I love your lessons!

During these exercises I had some questions, like, It's normal my lines being a little curvy? Or How many shoulder movement is needed? I'm just using what I think is enough.

I appreciate anyone who leaves feedback!

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6:11 AM, Sunday April 12th 2020

Hi there, I will be handling your Lesson 1 Critique. I'm glad you're enjoying the lessons so far.

Your Super Imposed Lines look nice and straight, you're not getting a lot of fraying which is good. Your ghosted lines and planes look confident and straight, you do get some curving in your longer lines which means you may not be using your shoulder enough.

In the Ellipses section you experiment with different shapes and sizes which is great! Your ellipses are quite loose and do become a bit square times which is a sign you may not be ghosting enough and need to use your shoulder more. Remember that whenever we go to draw a line or ellipse we ghost a few times, and then draw in one smooth confident motion using the shoulder. You did a good job in the funnels section but remember we need to work on keeping our ellipses tightly in the funnel not loose as seen here.

You tried keeping the horizontal lines parallel and the vertical lines perpendicular in the rough perspective Boxes exercise which is good, you were a bit off which means you need to plan more. You may find it easier to look at if you stop your correction lines at the horizon in the future. You kept fairly even spacing and managed to get some rotation in the rotated box exercise. I like the size differences between your close (big) and far (small) boxes in the organic perspective exercise.

This is a great start and I will be marking your lesson complete.

The thing you need to focus on is creating smooth confident lines, taking your time and using your shoulder. One thing that may help is when you make a line or ellipse instead of stopping on the page, lift the pen off the page.

Remember that if your lines curve it means you aren't using your shoulder. It takes a while getting used too so keep practicing in your warm ups.

Great work and good luck in the 250 Box Challenge!

Next Steps:

Keep doing these exercises as warm ups.

Complete the 250 Box challenge before starting lesson 2.

This critique marks this lesson as complete.
4:55 PM, Monday April 13th 2020

Thanks for the feedback. I will try improve my mistakes during the warm-ups!

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