Starting with your arrows, these are looking great - you've drawn them with considerable confidence and have really nailed down their fluidity and the sense of depth in the scene. You've carried this over very nicely into your leaves as well, where you've captured not only how they sit in space, but also how each leaf moves through the space it occupies.

I'm also very pleased with how you've approached both more complex edge detail, building the individual bumps or cuts onto the simpler edge (instead of trying to redraw the edges in full, replacing them with each new phase of construction), and how you've tackled the more complex leaf structures. It shows that you've got a great deal of respect and a solid grasp of how construction is all about building up, one stage after the other, achieving greater complexity through successive additions of relatively simple elements.

Moving onto your branches, you largely appear to be adhering to the instructions for the exercise, in extending your segments fully halfway to the next ellipse, and starting the next segment at the previous ellipse. One thing that can definitely help to avoid the divergence is to purposely use the last chunk of the previous segment as a sort of 'runway', overlapping it directly before shooting off to your next target, instead of drawing it where the last stroke ought to have been. This will force you to take any prior mistakes into account, and while it'll make things a little more difficult, it'll also help you learn more directly from those mistakes.

Moving onto your plant constructions, you have largely done a very good job. There are a few little hiccups I'll draw your attention to, but all in all you've employed the principles of construction quite effectively to build up each construction to a solid, believable result. You're clearly focusing on the core structure, on making them feel believable and solid, and only push 'detail' insofar as you reasonably can while maintaining solid forms. That is precisely what I want to see.

One minor issue I noticed was that in a few areas of the drawing on the left side of this page, while you were building up the little edge detail on your leaves as individual marks, you did still zigzag back and forth a little bit, like in areas such as this. Instead, it's better to treat the edge from the earlier phase of construction as your "minimum" or "maximum" - basically meaning that you're only building up 'bumps' on one side of it, rather than having them go a cross that line.

Another minor point - for the flower pot on the left side of this page (and really all flower pots), be sure to construct those kinds of structures around a central minor axis line. This goes for anything cylindrical, where you've got a bunch of ellipses to align to one another.

Continuing forward, I'm quite pleased with how you've tackled texture throughout many of your more detailed drawings - you do a good job of focusing on cast shadows, and avoiding outlining textural forms.

As a whole I'm quite pleased with your results, and don't have much to offer by way of roast! As such, I'll go ahead and mark this lesson as complete.