250 Box Challenge

5:51 PM, Sunday September 13th 2020

250 Box Challange - Album on Imgur

Direct Link: https://i.imgur.com/EtpR1qh.jpg

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Took me a while to figure some things out, like not to try to go parallel. Fixed my posture around Box 200 or something, my precision got worse but i think the line quality improved by the end.

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3:59 PM, Friday February 12th 2021
edited at 1:38 PM, Feb 20th 2021

Hey Eny, congratulations on finishing the 250 Box challenge. Overall you've done a pretty good job and there's definitely an improvement! I'm not sure whether you've used pencil for your line extensions or just a light gray or something as it is really hard to make them out, so I can't really evaluate whether you've applied it correctly but by what I can see it looks fine. Here are a few things which could be improved upon:

  • Especially in your earlier boxes; but also in some of the later ones your lines often are diverging instead of converging. Remember that in 3 point perspective lines will always converge! Never be parallel and especially never diverge! Think in 3 sets of 4 lines each, each set will converge towards a single vanishing point. I've noticed that you had quite the variety in the orientation of the boxes which is great! But I think you could've played a bit more with the rate of foreshortening. In the end you start to change it up a bit introducing stronger foreshortening, which seems to have made it easier for you to wrap your head around the concept that the 3 sets of lines all converge to a single point.

  • Although your lines are generally good and very confident, which is our main goal, there's sometimes a bit of arcing and wobbliness in some places. So just make sure that you're still keeping the line exercises from lesson 1 in your warmups.

  • I like that you later on tried to add lineweight to your boxes as it helps to reinforce the illusion of solidity, organizes our linework and is great additional mileage! It's great that you stayed true to the principal of confidence over accuracy here!

Next Steps:

I think you've made great progress and should be ready for Lesson 2.

Make sure that you keep practicing all the previous exercises as warmups and make sure to work on you convergences, which was the biggest issue. Although they are looking pretty good towards the end there's always room for improvement!

If you want you can check out some of the advanced box exercises here: https://drawabox.com/lesson/250boxes/2

Move on to Lesson 2.

See ya!

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
edited at 1:38 PM, Feb 20th 2021
4:51 PM, Friday February 12th 2021

Thanks a lot for the critique,

the line exercise is always in my warm up but i always struggle with accuracy/wobble and kurvy lines.

Oh i didn't know that these exercises existed gonna do them.

See ya around.

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