54 Rocks And Landscapes (My mini challenge)

5:41 AM, Monday February 3rd 2020

Rocks and landscapes try v1 - Album on Imgur

Direct Link: https://i.imgur.com/QmU8HmN.jpg

Post with 37 views. Rocks and landscapes try v1

Did a challenge for myself to draw 54 rocks and landscapes with timelimit set at 5 min. Total time: 4.5h

Did these in 4 days.

1 users agree
12:31 PM, Monday February 3rd 2020
edited at 10:40 PM, Feb 4th 2020

Done? If not, I have some lecture recommendations, if you're interested:

Sketching Grass, Rocks and Conifer Forests: https://youtu.be/9X9adiPLl1I (or: my imgur album of his rock process: https://imgur.com/a/qkH1tnL)

Sketching Landscapes: https://youtu.be/HMbOL0GTzC4

5 Minute Landscape: https://youtu.be/HnuGdrE07_8

edited at 10:40 PM, Feb 4th 2020
0 users agree
10:47 AM, Monday February 3rd 2020

Great job, keep going!

For your next challenge I would suggest a few without a timer and just take as much time as you want untill you feel 'is good enough'/done.

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