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7:15 AM, Monday August 15th 2022

Welcome to drawabox, and congrats on getting passed the hurdle that is Lesson 1. Let’s see if your tripped any~

Starting with your superimposed lines, these look fantastic; they’re smooth, properly lined up at the start, and of a consistent trajectory. I’m very pleased with how big, and smooth your arcing lines are, too – keep up the good work. The ghosted lines/planes look quite confident, also. I’m especially pleased to see that you’ve not forgotten to plot start/end points for the non-diagonal center lines of the planes – most students do. That said, try to be a little less conscious of them, if you can. I notice that your lines will sometimes arc as they approach them, an indication that you’re drawing slow enough to be able to course-correct mid line. Try to resist the urge, if you can.

The table of ellipses exercise looks mostly good. Your ellipses are a little sharp at their edges, so I suspect that you’re – likely without intending to – switching to a lesser pivot as you reach them, for the extra control it grants you. Try to be a little more mindful of it, from now on, and the issue should resolve itself. The ellipses in planes are well done, and I’m happy to see that you’re not nearly as concerned with their accuracy, here. Sacrificing the snugness of their rotations, to prioritize their smoothness/roundness, was the right call. The funnels look good, save for the occasional wobbly ellipse (which I suspect has to do with how small they are), but you’re missing major axes for all of your funnels.

The plotted perspective exercise looks clean, though a few of your boxes are missing their back lines.

The rough perspective exercise starts off strong, and shows some nice improvement throughout the set. While, by the end, the convergences are in a good place, the linework, I suspect, could be better. Try to remind yourself that, though the big picture may be different, there’s no difference in the way that these lines, and the lines in the ghosted lines exercise, are drawn. To put it another way, if your linework can be confident there, it can be confident here, too. Try not to let the big picture overwhelm you.

The rotated boxes exercise is a little small (drawing big is something we heavily encourage, as it’s effective in giving your brain some room to think), but its boxes are snug, and they do a good job of rotating. This is not necessarily the case in the back – your boxes, there, are a little flat – but this is something that, for one, is entirely expected at this stage, but more importantly, we’ll discuss in the box challenge page, so hold out until then.

Speaking of boxes, your organic perspective boxes are well done. They’re well constructed, and flow well, as a result of their steady increase in size, and consistent, shallow foreshortening. Keep up the good work.

Next Steps:

I’ll be marking this lesson as complete, so you may head on over to the box challenge. Good luck, and don’t neglect your warmups!

This critique marks this lesson as complete.
11:48 AM, Monday August 15th 2022

Thank you for this detailed feedback. I appreciate it!

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