Hey there, TA Meta here to look over your boxes, let's get started!

First off, congratulations on making it through the box challenge! As you said, your line quality really improved in leaps and bounds throughout the set - this is in part thanks to your consistent application of line weight and hatching on all of your boxes, which is fantastic free mileage.

Similarly, you made big improvements in the convergences of your boxes, which started off with significant distortion and divergence on multiple planes. By the end there only tends to be mistakes on one or two of your sets of parallel lines and the boxes themselves look pretty good to the naked eye. It's clear you took on board what your check lines were telling you and you worked to correct the errors they revealed as you went.

Generally, little mistakes in your boxes are building up and compounding on those lines that you draw last (usually the "rear" lines). This can be indicative of only tending to think about your parallel lines as they relate to one another on a particular plane rather than the angle which all four converge towards the vanishing point. All boxes follow this general pattern of the internal lines being very similar in angle to one another, whilst the outer ones are more extreme in convergence.

Overall, you've made some fantastic progress though and I have no reservations about sending you onto lesson 2.