Overall your lesson two feels very rushed. I think in the future you should slow down read the lessons in their entirety. It can be very frustrating to not understand a lesson or be able to successfully to execute. I myself really struggled with lesson two and ended up rusing through alot of it and had to redo here what it looked when I rushed then I went back read everything then watched the video. I looked at my own work and circle what I did that worked and what didn't while looking at submission that actually went well and got approved for the next lesson. I slowed down and it ended up like this which is much better it still needs work but it is a lot better then when I rushed. The key to learning and understanding this is going slow remember quality is secondary to speed. Speed will come with mileage.

Organic Arrows

Your arrows look flat. Some of your arrows don't overlap at all. Some arrows are generally just wobbly and widen and shorten completely arbitrarily. All of these mistakes compounded make the arrows look flat.

Organic Forms with Contour Lines

I assumed you used them for the Dissections

Some of your sausages are distorted. Remember, there's a list of things you should avoid in the homework explanation. These include:

Ends of different sizes

Roundedness on the ends that stretches farther than the size of a sphere

Midsections that swell or pinch

Texture Analysis

In my honest opinion I think the major issue here is not slowing down and observing the the cast shadows that the textures create. A good texture analysis almost exclusively focuses on these cast shadows and very little on forms. I highly recommend you rereading the lesson slow down and really observe the texture. Also try setting a timer for 15mins don't draw anything just look at the texture then repeat the timer and only draw notes about the texture and make an attempt to draw a smaller version of the texture a page seprate from your texture analysis page. Only after you have done this should you try to draw the texture analysis. I know that you completely capable of doing this make sure you take your time and really think. Its ok to fail as it is the most valuable experience for us to learn from don't fear it embrace it.


Same advice as before The only difference is now the texture is on a 3d form. Try make your texture adhere to the 3d shape you have created.

Form Intersections

Your forms are pretty distorted. You are rushing through the boxes and other forms. Take it slow you're not in a race so don't feel pressured to finish the homework fast. Take your time and read the lesson fully.

Organic Intersections

Again, distorted forms. A lot of the shadows seem arbitrarily placed as well. I think the lack of 3d comes from the fact that you haven't made a 3d form as your contour lines are all the same degree which give a flat feeling. On top of this some of your forms are floating in space or are missing a cast shadow.

Looking at your lesson one I also noticed a some mistakes that need fixing too that are also to blame for you not understanding much of lesson two.