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1:02 AM, Thursday September 2nd 2021

Hi HADES/Ncyy (whichever you choose to go by)

My name is Phobic and i will be your critiquer person thingy for today. for my critique i will break your submission down into 3 sections: LINES, ELIPSES AND BOXES and discuss the good, not so good and next steps.


Super Imposed lines:

For your super imposed lines you appear to have drawn your lines quite confidently with minimal fraying on both ends which is pretty good. i will point out that some of your lines appear to wobble a little bit which is something to keep an eye on but can be ironed out with practice.

Ghosted Lines:

For your ghosted lines you also appear to have drawn the lines quite confidently. It is evident looking at the submission that your accuracy is not quite 100% with the plotted points (which is fine neither is mine i miss fairly often haha) but if you keep at it and practice ghosting lines in warm ups this should improve!. a final couple of notes on this exercise is some of your lines appear to curve just a little bit. This could be because of arching lines or it could just be you are trying to slow the pen down mid stroke to not over shoot the plotted points. if it is the former i recommend checking out the ghosted planes lesson for more details whilst if it is the latter i recommend that you try lifting your pen before the point or adjusting your speed when ghosting your lines before the stroke. it should also be noted that overshooting is fine in this stage as the criteria is looking for confidence over accuracy.

Ghosted Planes:

As you appear to have used the same planes for the elipses within planes exercise i will discuss only the planes in this section and only the elipses in the ELIPSES section. as for what you did right the lines appear to have been ghosted properly and confidently and the planes have been drawn in a good variety of different positions and sizes. some carry over points of criticsim i feel i should mention is there is a small amount of wobbling in your lines but this can be ironed out with practice and a couple of your lines appear to curve a little bit. not a massive issue right now but its advised you practice this over time.


Table of Elipses:

So starting off with what went well. The elipses show clear signs of having been ghosted and drawn around twice with confidence which is great. as for some things to work on as next steps there are a couple of accuracy issues namely some of your elipses overlap on the inside or dont quite touch both sides of the borders in their segments. however this is something which can be practiced in warm ups and improved over time.

Ghosted Elipses in Planes:

So for your elipses in the planes you have done a decent job drawing the elipses within the planes with minimal to no distortion. some critique is that some of your elipses are floating in the center of the planes as opposed to touching all 4 sides. My advice here is to practice drawing elipses carefully in the planes making sure to rotate your page to find the easiest angle of approach. other than that the only thing i can add is to practice your accuracy during warm ups and it should improve over time.


For the funnels exercise you have done a good job keeping your elipses within the funnels whilst confidently executing them. that being said there are a couple of areas of critique i would like to point out. the first is the spacing between each of your elipses. when drawing elipses packed closely together in both the table of elipses and funnels exercise the elipses sides should be touching but not overlapping. however in some of your elipses there is a small gap or some overlap. however this is something that can be improved with practice. an additional area of critique i should point out some of your elipses are not entirely lined up on the minor axis. this is something which can be improved with conscious practice and a bit of more careful planning. (for some more tips check out the funnels lesson)


Plotted Perspective:

there does not appear to be any issues here the boxes line up neatly to the vanishing point with what appears to be no distortion.

Rough Perspective:

For the rough perspective the boxes appear to have been plotted correctly with minimal guesswork beyond how the points extend to the vanishing point. as for critique. The lines for the boxes are quite wobbly which indicates to me you may have went a little bit quickly when drawing the boxes or you may have had some difficulty drawing both planes and connecting them together. I would highly recommend re-attempting this task in some warm ups so as to get a little bit more used to ghosting lines for boxes however i wont ask for a re-submission as you will get plenty of practice with the 250 boxes.

Rotated Boxes:

First off i will begin by saying well done this is not an easy task (even i cant do it quite yet haha) that being said you made a pretty good effort however along side the issues raised in the rough perspective section i have a couple of critiques for this section for when you re-attempt this in future. first of all for the boxes at the ends of the sphere of boxes they do not appear to fully rotate at the ends. i would highly recomend giving this resource a look here which covers some pointers for getting the boxes to rotate correctly: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/368870697742630912/715669112222908466/zfr3o7xneog31.png

Outside of that another issue present in the boxes is the spacing between the boxes is not consistent. this is detrimental as it causes the need for more guess work which causes the boxes to become un-alligned. for this i highly recommend re-reviewing the lesson page and the attached resource. however this is not something to feel too bad about as it is almost expected for us to fail on a first pass but i highly encourage you to try the task again as a warm up in future.

Organic Perspective ( WOO! Only one task left)

Outside of a few remarks about lines which i have mentioned a couple of times, the boxes look good and rotate pretty well. i wont say too much here about perspective as 250 boxes will drill that into you.

Closing Remarks:

I feel this is a pretty good lesson 1 submission with some issues such as wobbly lines or accuracy. Under normal circumstances i would ask you to fill out a page of either ghosted planes or rough perspective to give you an opportunity to give your line work a second pass before 250 boxes however i feel i can pass this on the proviso that you make sure to revisit these tasks in your warm ups as regularly as possible.

Next Steps:

250 Boxes

Practice some exercises in warm ups

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
11:19 PM, Thursday September 2nd 2021

Hi Phobic! Thank you so much for your detailed critique :D I will be sure to use these exercises as warm ups as I continue through the lessons!

Also thank you for the resource for the rotated boxes, I found it hard to picture the boxes rotating but reading through the resource helped explain it a little better! I'll definitely try out the exercise and take a second stab at the rotated boxes. (:

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