2 users agree
11:09 PM, Saturday April 2nd 2022

Hi. I'll be reviewing your lesson 3 submission.

Arrows: Starting with your arrows. I will point out that, while you are increasing the width of the arrow as it gets closer to the viewer, you could push this a little bit more and make the illusion of movement through 3-d space more solid. Don't be afraid to be bold and increase the width of the arrow as it moves in space. Another thing you need to work on is the way the space compresses. Take a look at this picture and notice how the space is more compressed as you move further away. Your lines do look pretty confident and smoth, so good job on that and keep using your whole arm.

Branches: There's a couple of things you can do to improve on this excercise. First of all, try using less ellipses. I feel like you used too many ellipses on some of the branches. Second, remember that the ellipses need to be alligned to their minor axis, so be more mindfull as you place them. Third, remember to change the degree of the ellipses to strengthen the illusion that the branches are objects on a 3d space. This excercise can be tough so make sure you add it to your warmups.

Leaves: To improve on this excercise, you need to be more carefull with the flow of the leafs. On the leaf on the top right, the way you enclosed the leaf contradicts the initial flow line you put down. Try using some references, and carefully observe the way the leaves flow and twist. While it isn't the most important thing , it would have been good if you had been more bold and explored a little bit more with detail. For the detail that you did draw, you seemed to be drawing it randomly, like you were rushing. Remember to be intentional, slow down, look at your reference constantly, and take your time.

Plant drawings: I notice that you are developing your spatial reasoning, and you are aware that you are drawing forms that exist in a 3-D space. I can see it on the cactus, the mushroom, and the other plants you drew. This is good, it means you are going on the right direction, and are developing a good sense of form. The main issue I want to point out in your drawings is that you need to slow down. I can see that your lines wobble, and this can damage the solidity of your forms. The cactus, the mushroom, the flower, and the pitcher plant lose some of its solidity because of the wobbly lines. As for the plant construction itself, I think you have a nice understanding of how its meant to be done.

For the pitcher plant, it seems like you went stray from the original reference- While Drawbox is not about perfectly recreating pictures, you should trive to look at your reference carefully, and try to capture the subject that you're drawing. For the last drawing, I like that you explored texture a little bit more, and you did a good job with the construction and solidity of your forms. I will point out that I can't tell where the lemons are connected to the branch. Just be more mindfull of things like that.

In conclusion, while you are developing a good understanding of form and 3-d space, you need to slow down when observing and drawing, and develop more control of your lines (you can do the superimposed lines excercise and the ghosted planes exercise). I will ask that you do one more plant drawing. And make sure you add the arrows excercise and the leaves excercise to your warmups in the future.

Keep at it! Work on what needs improvement, and with time you will get better.

Next Steps:

One additional plant drawing.

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
2:09 PM, Sunday April 3rd 2022


Thanks so much for taking the time to review my work. I chose to take my time and perform a real warmup this time and I definitely think it helped. Though I do still think I'm struggling a bit with understanding how exactly to get the flow lines down for the leaves especially when they twist and turn. Do you have any advice on how to practice it when they twist? I feel like I really lose the shape when trying to capture the leaf when it twists or is going further into the page.

10:54 PM, Sunday April 3rd 2022

Good job. Your construction is looking solid, and your lines are looking more confident. I think you can move on to lesson 4.

Just a couple of things I want to point out.

  • Pay attention to where you should add cast shadows. The stem of the mushroom should have some shadow cast on it.

  • When you draw detail, remember that you're drawing the cast shadows. For the mushroom it seemed like you focused to much on drawing the little forms.

As for how to capture the way leaves twist and go farther in space:

  • For the twist, the best advice I can come up with is to keep observing, and you could also rewatch the video for that assigment. I wish I could give you better advice, but I'm no expert in that subject. If you are struggling with imagining how the leaf goes farther or closer into space, you should practice doing more arrows. With time, you will develop a better spatial reasoning, and you will be able to imagine that your leaves are flowing trough an imaginary space.

Next Steps:

Move on to lesson 4.

Include arrows, leaves, and branches to your warmups.

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
10:47 AM, Monday April 4th 2022

Awesome thanks so much for the critique and advice!

0 users agree
5:45 PM, Saturday April 2nd 2022
edited at 5:46 PM, Apr 2nd 2022

Hey. You are missing the page for the leaves excercise. Just comment on this post with a link to it. I'll review your submission when you post it.

edited at 5:46 PM, Apr 2nd 2022
8:47 PM, Saturday April 2nd 2022


Sorry about that there must have been an error with the file type maybe. Thanks!

0 users agree
8:59 AM, Friday April 1st 2022

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The Science of Deciding What You Should Draw

The Science of Deciding What You Should Draw

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