Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes

6:00 PM, Sunday March 10th 2024

Lesson 1 homework - Album on Imgur

Imgur: https://imgur.com/a/BwpsR36

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What creative ways do you exercise while warming up?

2 users agree
11:56 PM, Sunday March 10th 2024
Your work looks good, but I did notice a few things that you could continue to work on. Firstly, your lines wobble quite a bit across lessons. It looks like you are ghosting but then may be not following though on the final pass of the pen with the same motion, trying to mentally keep the line straight instead of relying on short-term muscle memory. 

Also, I noticed on the ellipses you're often making more than two passes around each ellipse. I think the two passes are to practince quickly honing the shape you want, with one practice pass and one final pass. Three or four passes may not be as helpful as just two. (The first table of ellipse page has ellipses spaced a little far apart too, but that was solved in the second page.)

It's clear you know what you're doing and have taken your time on lesson one, so I don't think you need any revisions. Your grasp on perspective seems pretty good already!

Next Steps:

On to the 250 box challenge :)

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
2:45 AM, Tuesday March 12th 2024

Thanks for the helpful feedback!

3:49 AM, Wednesday March 13th 2024

You're welcome!

0 users agree
1:09 AM, Friday April 12th 2024

The only point I have to make is that you are not using your shoulder confidently when performing your strokes. The lines are shaky, a consequence of the way you plan the lines while executing them, instead of planning before and executing after in a single confident movement. I suggest you review and redo the exercises on overlapping lines, ghost method and ellipses in tables.

Next Steps:

I suggest you review and redo the exercises on overlapping lines, ghost method and ellipses in tables.

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
1:01 AM, Monday April 29th 2024

Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate the observation regarding lines/shoulder/confidence and

will continue practicing.

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