Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes

11:44 AM, Thursday November 12th 2020

Drawabox lesson 1 - Album on Imgur

Imgur: https://imgur.com/gallery/GOZxmPQ

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Left a couple of comments on imgur about specific exercises. Found the last two exercises in particular really tough. Thanks!

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8:26 PM, Thursday November 12th 2020

Hi and congrats on completing lesson one. I'll be taking a look at your submission today. Your superimposed lines are coming along fine. You are doing a good job keeping a clearly defined starting point although you do appear to drawing your lines pretty slowly which seems to be introducing quite a bit of wobble and wavering. This is more problematic in your ghosted lines and first page of ghosted planes although I am seeing some pretty big improvements with your second page of ghosted planes. Your linework is feeling much more confident here and I think you are starting to get a hang of using the ghosting method and drawing from the shoulder.

Your tables of ellipses are coming along okay. You are doing a nice job drawing through all of your ellipses but your ellipse shapes are pretty heavily deformed for the most part. https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/12/deformed This is most likely happening because you are slowing down your stroke for the sake of accuracy. One of the reasons we use the ghosting method is to build up the muscle memory of the stroke before we actually make our mark. This lets us make our mark without really thinking about which WILL be less accurate at first but will get more accurate over time as we practice it more and more while still retaining that confident markmaking. So make sure you are ghosting your ellipses multiple times and then try and put down your ellipse and draw through without thinking about it too much. Your ellipses in planes are definitely an improvement in this regard although the issue is still somewhat present and it's still a problem in your ellipses in funnels as well. Your ellipses in funnels are having some issues with not aligning to the minor axis as well which you need to start thinking about more. https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/5/minoraxis https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/13/notaligned Your ellipses are definitely what I would consider the weak point of this submission and I'd like you to do another page of the table of ellipses and ellipses in funnels. Make sure you are ghosting your ellipses and try and focus a little less on accuracy and more on trying to get a smooth ellipse shape.

The plotted perspective looks fine for the most part although I would like to address your attempt at adding hatching to the boxes. While working through these lessons if you are going to add hatching to boxes that's fine but try and treat each hatch mark like any other line you would make for these lessons. Ghost it multiple times and then draw from your shoulder with confidence. This also ties into your rough perspective boxes a bit as well. The lines for these are a bit wobbly and I think this might be happening because you are reverting to drawing from your wrist instead of drawing from your shoulder with confidence. Always draw your lines with your shoulder even shorter lines like these. Your wrist should be reserved for detail work only. You did a good job extending the lines back on your boxes to check your work. As you can see some of you perspective estimations were a bit off but this is something that will get better with practice.

Your rotated box exercise was a valiant attempt. This is a hard exercise and the fact that you gave it a shot all is a good job. You were doing a nice job drawing through your boxes but this started falling apart on you because you failed to keep the gaps between your boxes consistent especially on the top right corner. https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/16/guessing This is a good exercise to come back to after a few lessons to see how much your spatial thinking ability has improved. Your organic perspective exercise is a bit of a mixed bag. On one hand your line quality here is vastly improved over your first ghosted lines page. You seem to be getting much more comfortable using the ghosting method and drawing from the shoulder and your linework is looking much more confident here. However, your box constructions definitely could use some more work so the 250 box challenge will be a great next step for you.

Overall this was a pretty good submission. I think your ellipses need a bit more practice so I'd like you to do those two pages I requested. After I have a look at those I'll mark this as complete and you can move on to the 250 box challenge.

Next Steps:

One more page table of ellipses and ellipses in funnels

Make sure you are ghosting your ellipses and try and focus a little less on accuracy and more on trying to get a smooth ellipse shape.

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
6:14 PM, Sunday November 15th 2020

Thanks for the response! Here's my redone pages: https://imgur.com/gallery/5YKPAwn

6:15 PM, Sunday November 15th 2020

Thanks for the response! Here's my redone pages: https://imgur.com/gallery/5YKPAwn

3:37 PM, Monday November 16th 2020

Okay, these are looking a bit better. You are still having some tilt issues on some of your ellipses in funnels. https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/5/minoraxis There's still plenty of room for improvement here so keep practicing your ellipses during warmups.

I'm going to mark this as complete and good luck with the 250 box challenge.

Next Steps:

The 250 Box Challenge

This critique marks this lesson as complete.
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