Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes

6:49 AM, Thursday June 22nd 2023

Direct Link: https://i.imgur.com/YQHNDDk.jpg

2 users agree
9:50 PM, Thursday June 29th 2023


Your superimposed lines look good, albeit the fray is pretty wide on some of them. I would suggest that you make sure you are making one smooth movement. I know that the curved ones are a bit tricky compared to straight, and the longer they get, the more the fray begins. Overall, well enough. Good job.

For ghosted lines, I have to question a few of these. I will give these the passing grade, but I see some where it appears that you remade the mark to better fit where your line ended up in the end. I'm guilty of this as well in the past, so I can look past it, but I recommend just letting the mistakes be there. Nothing wrong with every one not being perfect. Just keep working on ghosting your lines before making them.

Ghosted Planes look good, but I don't see the dots that denote where the lines that cross the center of the plane along the length of the lines that form the plane. I know that sounds confusing. I'm talking about the plus. Those are meant to be there. I won't mark you down for those not being there, but bear that in mind in the future.

Tables of ellipses look great, honestly. No further comments.

A few of the ellipses in planes look good as well. A few are a bit sloppy and may have a few too many rings in the circle, but I won't hold that against you.

Funnels look good as well. I think some of them could stand to be tighter (closer circles), but not to an extent that disqualifies your attempt. Good work.

Plotted Perspective looks great. Perfect, honestly.

Rough Perspective needs some work. Some of the boxes are missing the inside of the box. All 8 corners of the boxes are meant to be seen, and all 4 lines that lead to the plotted vanishing point should be filled as well. Please see Uncomfortable's example page.


Rotated boxes is... something. I'm going to request that you redo it entirely. I know that it's a complex exercise, and something of a pain in the ass, but it's necessary for the later 250 box challenge. Your attempt at it doesn't follow the instructions correctly, please reread the page and take another shot at it. You've got this.


Organic Perspective looks pretty good, you did a good job controlling the sizes of your boxes, but some boxes aren't constructed properly. I'm going to request a partial redo on your pages, and pay close attention to your lines constructing the boxes. Bear in mind that they shouldn't close in on one another so aggressively. I recommend looking over the example images again.


Overall, I want to give you a passing grade, but in order to do so, I need to see a few redone pages from you. You're very close, so get these done and it's all yours.

Next Steps:

1 page rough perspective

1 page rotated boxes

1 page organic perspective.

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
9:32 PM, Tuesday August 15th 2023

thank you the your feedback! truthfully, these lessons are much more challenging than i ever would’ve thought. especially the rotated boxes. i tried to challenge myself to work without looking at Uncomfortable’s example because it felt like cheating, but i’ve now started to get a hang of it. with the other two though, im sure i made a lot of the same mistakes despite my best efforts, but here’s my resubmissions. https://imgur.com/a/jUxbrOU

4:46 PM, Sunday August 20th 2023


So it looks good to me, other than the rough perspective. The rough perspective is wrong though. It's all meant to trace back to a single vanishing point, rather than just the line.


So one more page of that, and you're golden.

Next Steps:

1 page of rough perspective.

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
12:13 PM, Friday October 6th 2023

hey Aki,

i redid rough perspective like you asked, but in the example you linked and study materials, it says the boxes don’t have to reach the VP, although i tried my best to make that happen!

thanks again for reviewing my homework


0 users agree
8:26 PM, Tuesday October 24th 2023

Based on Aki's critiques, as well as the last revision, I'll mark you as complete.

However please take more note of the example homework page from the lesson for the layout and orientation of the page. For example your rough perspective Aki gave you the example page to follow. The mistake there would having to draw your boxes a bit too small.

Next Steps:

Good Luck with Boxes! 5-6 boxes per page is the recommended max count.

Please check the pinned post in the #critique-exchange channel, and post your progress or questions in the #basic-challenges channel :)

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
8:32 PM, Tuesday October 24th 2023

okay i’ll keep that in mind. thank you!!

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