Hi Ramelone,

Firstly great job on finishing lesson 1!

Your lines are looking quite wobbly, remember to use your shoulder and trust your ghosting. It is pretty common to get overwhelmed when you ataryt constructing boxes and line quality to suffer a little. Try to put as much consideration into every line you draw. Once you get the hang of that it may help improve the smoothness of your ellipses too.

You have done a really good job of making sure your ellipses aren't floating and you have managed to keep them aligned to the minor axis in funnels pretty well so good job!

Your rough perspective boxes are mostly convering in the right direction and you are about to get a lot of practice at that.

In your rotated boxes your line quality is definitely improving and the hatching is nice and neat. You aren't quite rotating the boxes enough and you aren't always rotating the backs as much as the front. Maybe try imagining the insides arranged around a sphere. Rotated boxes is really hard and you aren't meant to be able to do it perfectly yet. This is a pretty good attempt.

For your organic perspective your convergences are looking good for lesson 1 and you have managed to create a good sense of depth. To really sell the illusion dont be afraid to use more overlapping and more extreme sizes of boxes.

Overall I thibk this is a really good start and I think you should move on to 250 boxes.