2:54 PM, Thursday November 23rd 2023
Hey! Thank you so much for your very detailed critique! I appreciate you taking the time to look through it so thoroughly. I have to apologize as this is not yet my revisions - I was hoping to get some additional clarification though, and I don't know if I'm supposed to use this reply function this way, but I don't know how else to contact you. Could you maybe elaborate on why specifically you picked the exercises you did for me to redo? I feel like understanding your thought process there would help me a lot while redoing them. I will of course pay more attention to be more confident in my markmaking, and try ghosting more! I was just wondering if you thought there was anything about those exercises in particular that would help me with that.
As an additional note I did want to clear up that on my Organic Perspective exercises what you see as me attempting to redraw a line is, in fact, me failing miserably at trying to apply line weight freehand.
Again, thank you so much for helping me!