Hello I’ll be handling the critique for your lesson 1 homework.


-Starting with the superimposed lines you are doing a great job always starting at clearly defined points and keeping all of the wavering on one side. Your lines are a little wobbly so make sure that you are prioritizing confidence over accuracy for all of these exercises

-Your linework in the ghosted lines is looking confident and you are using the ghosting method to good effect, as your lines are accurate while maintaining their trajectory, so I don’t have much criticism to offer here.

-The ghosted planes are no different from the ghosted lines and here your linework is alright.


-Starting with the tables of ellipse, I can see that you have kept the alignment degree and spacing of these in mind, but I can notice some cases where your ellipses look wobbly, so try to loosen up and draw them a bit faster to avoid any chances of wobbling. Draw through your ellipses only 2-3 times. This is an important rule that you want to follow for the entire course.

-Moving to the ellipses in planes, here you want to prioritize drawing smooth elliptical shapes even if they end up floating inside the plane, do not worry too much about having your ellipses touching the four sides of the plane as it can make them look distorted and wobbly.

-The funnels are looking well done, but here you are drawing through your ellipses more times than needed so keep practicing to get rid of this habit.


-Starting with the rough perspective exercise, keep working on the alignment, remember that the horizontal lines should be parallel to the horizon while the vertical ones should be perpendicular, your estimations to the vanishing point will get better as you practice.

-Your rotated boxes are turning out well, one thing that can help you improve is to use as much space on the page as possible. This will help you to engage your whole arm when drawing and make accurate and confident marks.

-Finishing with the organic perspective, try to keep the linework confident here, and be careful when ghosting your lines don't let the pen touch the page until you have decided to execute your mark. Your box's constructions have some issues but all of these will get addressed on the box challenge.