Hey there! Congrats on finishing lesson two!

Organic Arrows: These arrows look nice and confident. You weren't afraid of letting it overlap, and you even got experimental on some. There are some instances where the shadows are inconsistent. You show shadows on one crevice and then another down the arrow that should instead be a light spot. It's easy to get lost in this exercise. One thing I found helpful is that wherever there is overlap, imagine that the part of the arrow that is doing the overlapping isn't going to be shaded. It's the other one, because it will be catching the shadow of the first part. I don't know if that made sense, so feel free to let me know if that is confusing. The only other thing I would suggest for future warmups and to explore size and perspective a little more. You did it on some arrows, but others looked like the same size throughout.

Organic Forms: Good job on this exercise. Starting with the ellipse section, you did well in making sure you differ the degree based on the orientation of the ellipse in the organic form. Plus, you did well in trying to keep the ellipses in the forms. One thing to keep in mind is that some of your ellipses look misaligned. One example is the form in the middle right. All the ellipses seem to slant to one side. I think this works on the upper half, but on the bottom half, the last two ellipses should differ in degree to show that they are also turning inside the form. Looking at the contour lines section, you did better in differing the degree. Make sure to keep that in mind in future warmups.

Texture Analysis: I think you understood this exercise quite well. Good work on capturing the different textures. One thing to note is that in the future, there is a 25-texture challenge that is in the form of texture analysis. The reason I say this is because in the third boxes of each texture you did, the black bar is supposed to blend smoothly into the texture so that you can't tell that there is a bar. In all three instances, especially the last texture, you can tell there is a black bar and then the texture starts. I'll be honest, I have made that mistake as well, and sometimes, I'm not quite sure how to remedy it. I think more shading at the beginning that conforms to the shapes you pointed out in the first two sections can help. Kind of like an inverted version of the shadows. Try that out in the texture analysis challenge and see if that helps.

Dissections: Once again, great work. I think you understood this exercise, and I can see that you made sure to allow the textures to flesh off the form itself instead of just sticking to it like, well, a sticker. There were a few bald spots (mainly the inside ellipses), and I would encourage you to try to fill those up as well. You don't have to redo it, but if you feel like trying a texture for warmup in the future, feel free to go back to those bald spots and try it.

Form Intersections: This is probably the hardest exercise in this section, and you managed to do well on it, too. Not only were you confident in your drawings, but you practiced correct hatching and darkened lines where they needed to be darkened. One thing I did notice was that most of your intersections were shallow, in the sense that they don't dig too deeply into the forms themselves. You still got them mostly correct, but in future exercises, you will see that you will need to push those forms more closely. I would encourage to do this exercise for your future warmups, especially as you head into lesson three. I don't know if you already have this tagged but here you go: https://imgur.com/a/6Inx5Bz. This link goes to a pack of form intersections and shows how each couple of forms can interact with each other. Feel free to explore it and try it out yourself during warmups.

Organic Intersections: I think you did alright here, too. Your forms look a little bit stiff, so remember to conceptualize how these forms will slink onto the larger sausage. While they will curve more than likely, it is also about how they curve. Will it be a shallow curve or a deep curve? As far as shadows go, you did well here. There are a few misplaced shadows, like on the bottom right of the first page, so make sure that you understand where the floor is in your drawing. Feel free to practice this for warmup as well.

Overall, nicely done. I have no problem with you going into the next lesson. Make sure to practice these exercises for warmups during the next few lessons, though. They are key for understanding how to draw in the constructional lessons.