4 users agree
12:18 PM, Monday July 6th 2020

Lines -

Be careful not to redraw on lines you've already made mistakes on. Work with the mistake and move on.

In ghosted lines exercise, many of the longer lines have arcs. Be careful to pivot your arm from your shoulder.

There is definite improvement in your lines over the lesson, and your lines in the plane exercise are nicely strong. And they'll def get more consistent as you progress.

Another general reminder that I found helpful, if you have recurring issue with arcs and inaccuracies in your lines, remember to experiment with different speeds and see what you're most comfortable with. As you progress through DAB and gain mileage, you might be surprised at how steady your hand becomes.

Ellipses -

In table exercise, ellipses aren't very accurate and coincide, but the mistakes lessens with progression.

In funnel exercise, there are slight deviations in the minor axes. The ellipses are supposed to be bisected symmetrically by the mid line, but in multiple funnels the line is offset from the middle. Be careful not to rush assignments, and follow the guidelines as specified in the site.

Boxes -

Your boxes are generally nice, good job.

Next Steps:

With all that being said, I'm happy to say you're ready to move onto the 250 box challenge!

Remember to revisit these exercises in your 15 min warm-ups before you star drawing the boxes. This helps keep your muscle memory strong and is a good way to get into the rythm as you get into boxes.

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 4 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
6:05 PM, Monday July 6th 2020

Thank you so much for your critique.

Actually I feel how my lines have been improving with these exercises and I will keep in mind your critiques. And again, thank you and keep doing great critiques.

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This is another one of those things that aren't sold through Amazon, so I don't get a commission on it - but it's just too good to leave out. PureRef is a fantastic piece of software that is both Windows and Mac compatible. It's used for collecting reference and compiling them into a moodboard. You can move them around freely, have them automatically arranged, zoom in/out and even scale/flip/rotate images as you please. If needed, you can also add little text notes.

When starting on a project, I'll often open it up and start dragging reference images off the internet onto the board. When I'm done, I'll save out a '.pur' file, which embeds all the images. They can get pretty big, but are way more convenient than hauling around folders full of separate images.

Did I mention you can get it for free? The developer allows you to pay whatever amount you want for it. They recommend $5, but they'll allow you to take it for nothing. Really though, with software this versatile and polished, you really should throw them a few bucks if you pick it up. It's more than worth it.

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