250 Box Challenge

2:07 PM, Thursday March 10th 2022

250 box challenge - Album on Imgur

Imgur: https://imgur.com/gallery/VFdxXJG

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This has been by far one of the most challenging projects I have ever done. Thanks to this challenge I have learned a lot about perspective. Definitely recommended for anyone who wants to develop an intuitive understanding of it!

P.D. I'm uploading it again because I got confused and didn't check all the boxes. Apologies.

1 users agree
7:58 PM, Sunday December 29th 2024

Hi, I will be critiquing your work today.

Excellent work with the boxes. I'm glad you have learnt a lot about perspective, this challenge was made to hone in on that skill. Common issues like non-converging lines and the back corner have been ironed out.

I mark this lesson complete. Keep up with the warm-ups and good luck for Lesson 2. Congratulations on finally completing the 250 boxes challenge

Next Steps:

Move on to Lesson 2

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
10:29 PM, Friday January 24th 2025

Hey! Thank you for your critique! (sorry for the late response), yeah, I am trying to keep the converging lines consistency, it is something that i want to do intuitive.

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How to Draw by Scott Robertson

How to Draw by Scott Robertson

When it comes to technical drawing, there's no one better than Scott Robertson. I regularly use this book as a reference when eyeballing my perspective just won't cut it anymore. Need to figure out exactly how to rotate an object in 3D space? How to project a shape in perspective? Look no further.

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