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2 users agree
2:00 PM, Sunday December 20th 2020
  1. Lines: Lines are fine. There is a bit of fraying at the end, but we all do that. We are told to priorities keeping line smooth and straight, so that is correct.

  2. Ellipses: The ellipses loop round as instructed. In the earilier examples the looping is not very accurate (too fast?) but it seems to improve over the excercise and the Funnel are looking pretty good to me.

  3. Perspective. Plotted Perspective is fine. With Rough Perspective, you seem comfortable guessing the vanishiing point for boxes closer to the vanishing point. However you seem to have stuggling with boxes that are further away from the vanishing point and even the further away boxes have the same angles. I think that is happened enough I may need looking at. Both the Rotating Boxes and Organic Perspective has issues. Lines that should be converging end up diverging. The rotating box is really hard. I had to redo it a few times before I could make sense of it, and even then the end result was a bit of a mess, but at least it understood by then what I needed to do.

I'm just a beginner, so what do I know? But in your place I'd be tempted to give the rotating boxes another go and get a better feel for how angles of the sides vary based on their distance to the vanishing point. Your Plotted Perspective is fine, so maybe as a warm up you could try doing part of the rotating boxes using plotted perspective and ruler and get more comfortable with how it is meant to work? It's just the thought.

11:48 PM, Sunday December 20th 2020
edited at 11:50 PM, Dec 20th 2020

Thanks for the review. You are right about my rotated boxes. Turns out, I didn't really understand any perspective or how vanishing lines work. I've been practicing boxes and it considerably improved my understanding of 3d space and perspective.

I also practice ellipses and now they turn out really good compared to my homework.

Here are my rotated boxes redone. They are still not good enough but I'm practicing them constantly.


edited at 11:50 PM, Dec 20th 2020
1:13 AM, Monday December 21st 2020

That's a massive improvement on the rotated boxes. Feels good, doesn't it?

3:23 AM, Monday December 21st 2020

Yeah. When you see your own progress, it's really satisfying.

Thanks for the reply again. Do you think I did enough to the point for this lesson to be labeled complete?

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How to Draw by Scott Robertson

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