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8:37 PM, Tuesday April 26th 2022

hello! sorry for the very late reply, i must have accidently deleted what i posted

heres another session i did hopefully it works. trying to draw some skulls (w/ ref)

my issue is how in-consistant they are from each other going from left to right is my first vs my last ones

3:33 PM, Thursday April 28th 2022

You might want to check out a youtube video by a Syrca. Search for "Iterative Drawing". I think his approach will help you with something like the skulls. Consistency is hard to achieve. From what I can tell (I don't have it yet either) it takes mileage. Tons and tons of drawing.

6:30 PM, Sunday May 1st 2022

its still pretty hard concept to grasp but hopefuly i can watch it a few times and put it into practice, thanks for the video!

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