250 Box Challenge
12:46 AM, Saturday January 21st 2023
I'm finally done. This took me almost a month to complete. I was a bit overwhelmed with expectations versus reality on this one. When I understood that this challenge is not to be taken lightly, I started focusing on different skills one at a time. This is why I didn't introduce line weight immediately. Here are some personal thoughts on my submission, which might help you, my future reviewer, understand my shenanigans:
Some boxes have crooked lines. A lot of these are due to me getting very decisive/excited and pressing too hard on the stack of paper, which then gives way.
I was a bit distracted and accidentally confused which lines were supposed to go where for some specific "planning point". I know it's wrong, but in some few boxes I tried to just redraw the line. Sorry about that!
I don't feel that I improved as much as I expected and wanted to. I still feel like I'm missing something. Don't know if it's more of a self-confidence issue, but I definitely saw a good peak somewhere around box 150, then it dropped slightly and stayed constant all the way to box 250.
While drawing the boxes, I experimented with the order I drew the lines after the initial Y. I discovered that for some orientations, a particular order resulted in more accurate convergences. Unfortunately, I never found a personal optimal routine that consistently produced near-perfect convergences.
The first set of boxes for each day are always the worst.
In a few boxes, I almost got perfectly organized lines to the VP. While I am proud of these, I don't remember that I manage to achieve this for all three VPs in any of my boxes.
Thank you for taking time to review this! Have a nice weekend.