2 users agree
9:07 PM, Sunday November 26th 2023

Hello Threedots, I will be reviewing your submission today.


Super Imposed Lines - Your superimposed lines are looking good. You've managed to start at the same starting point with little fraying towards at the beginning, though your curved lines are an exception to that. Be sure to ghost properly with those lines as well.

Ghosted Lines - Your ghosted lines are well done. You have ghosted enough properly to make confident lines, though I can see they wobble a bit at the end. Make sure to commit to the mark confidently rather than accurately.

Ghosted Planes - Your ghosted planes are fine, and the same things that applied to the ghosted lines applies here as well. Ghosting and practice will help with your confident lines.


Tables of Ellipses - Your tables are generally very good, with your ellipses fitting snugly and touching the borders with little to no overlap with each other.

Ellipses in Planes - Your ellipses in planes is also very good, though soome of your ellipsess don't tend to touch all four sides of the plane. Ghosting and taking your time before committing to the ellipse helps.

Funnels - I do not see your Funnels exercise. Please provide it and double check your homework before you submit.


Plotted Perspective - No issues here, good job.

Rough Perspective - Good job on keeping the lines either perpendicular or horizontal to the horizon. Also, you've accurately used the line correction method, here's a little wobble/curving to your lines, but practice should help with that over time.

Rotated Boxes - Very nice. Some students really struggle with this exercise, and it is clear that your spatial awareness is good as you've rotated your boxes quite accurately while maintaining quite a close distance with each corner of the boxes. A little bit of curving and wobbly lines can be seen here too in your line work but I'm sure this will improve over practice.

Organic Perspective - The organic boxes here look good. You've kept a good sense of rotation as well as perspective.

All in all, this is a good submission and I'm confident you'll improve over time. Keep in mind to ghost more and work on that wobbling/curvature of your lines, and make sure to double check before you submit.

Next Steps:

1 page of Funnels

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
4:40 PM, Monday November 27th 2023

Hello, thank for taking your time and reviewing my work. Its very helpful. Here's a link to the funnels exercise, not sure how I forgot about it


4:36 AM, Wednesday November 29th 2023

Your funnels look good, few of your ellipses overlap and fail to fit snugly, but I am calling this a good work. Just be sure not to forget.

Next Steps:

Move onto the 250 Box Challenge.

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
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