Hello, congrats on completing Lesson 1.

Superimposed lines are smooth, properly lined up at the start, and of a consistent trajectory.

The ghosted lines are confident but in some of them they tend to arc a little at the end. Usually, this means that it is likely you are decreasing speed to the end, in an effort to not stop short of, or overshoot it. It is expected to draw the lines to be confident, and straight, more than accurate. Meaning: try to keep a consistent speed throughout.

Ghosted planes are looking good and well executed.

The table of ellipses try to stick to 2-3 rotations, if you can. Also, elipses in planes exercises looks good. They’re smooth, rounded, and properly drawn through.

The plotted perspective exercise you seem to have gotten what it is wanted out of it, so it’s all good.

The rough perspective exercise is well done. I have nothing to add.

The rotated boxes exercise is a little small, it is recommended to draw a little bit bigger. The lineweight and the back faces of the boxes are missing, but these things are expected. This exercise is here to improve knowledge of boxes. It is a good start but can be improved in the future exercises.

The organic perspective exercise generally looks good about the perspective and boxes variety. The boxes seem to be quite seperate though a few overlaps would’ve pushed your drawing even further.