Your boxes weren't too bad to begin with, but looking at your first and last page side by side, there's a noticeable massive improvement, specially in the correct convergence of the lines. Good job on that!

Extending lines in the wrong direction

I didn't see this happen once, so well done! All your colored lines are extended correctly.

Divergences and parallel lines

Oddly enough I didn't seem to find any divergence, which means you grasp the concept of convergence very well. The only mistakes I saw were over-convergences, so great job in this front.

Hatching lines

They're a little loose, the spaces between them varying here and there. However, they're quick, confident, and do their job of showing the front face of the box, which is what's actually important. They're optional after all.


Here the result is somewhat messy in some boxes, as drawing superimposed lines seems to be a bit challenging for you.

Something that helped me was warming up before each box drawing session by doing some line exercises from lesson 1 (doesn't have to be a whole page, just until you feel comfortable to start), specially the Superimposed Lines one. If you do the Ghosted Planes one too, try doing superimposed lines over the edges of your finished planes (one is enough). It's the closest to doing it in a box. You did prioritize drawing confident lines over them being accurate, which is the right focus to have, so well done on that.

Wobbly lines and repeating lines

This is another aspect I think contributes to the general messiness. Your lines aren't wobbly at all, they're super confident as they should be, so congratulations on that. However, sometimes when you missed the mark you tried to go over and over again, making some boxes look 'chicken-scratched'. I know it's hard to stop the urge of correcting your own lines, I have the same problem myself, but sometimes it makes the resulting box look even worse. All I can suggest is to keep practicing Ghosted Lines as a warmup, and draw a bit more lightly at first (that way you can go over the final line if you made mistakes to make it stand out).

Orientations of boxes

They were all varied and with varying degrees of perspective, so excellent job on keeping them different and fun!

Inner corner

Ah, the dreaded inner corner: the most common mistake. You had some problems with it here and there, but you did begin to understand after a certain point (around box 170) and didn't seem to have any problems with it towards the end. Great job.

Minor dumb things

Kudos on taking notes! (I should've definitely done that) Although it may have been better to take them on a separate sheet of paper, as they make the actual homework sheets look somewhat messy.

And another point that is definitely so minor you could call it a nitpick, is that using a different color to the orange for the extended lines would've made it contrast better with the red, therefore making it easier for anyone to review. Just a thought!

All of this being said, I think you did a fantastic job, the improvement is very clear and you're more than ready to tackle Lesson 2. Good luck!