Hello. Good job on completing Lesson 1. This is an obstacle that most students never get past.

1. Lines

Perfect! Absolutely no real issues here.

Your lines are smooth, straight as possible, and constant - with no wavering. They begin at a single point and conclude precisely at another, and getting into the habit of thinking before you draw is the objective. Take into account the intended purpose of the mark you are about to create, whether it is the best mark for that, and whether another mark already exists that is fulfilling the same objective.

2. Ellipses

Homework & Exercises: Please draw through your ellipses next time. These concern the representation of circles in three dimensions and the understanding of how the ellipses used to represent them vary according to the rotation and movement of those three-dimensional shapes. Outside of Drawabox, you're free to do what you like.

3. Boxes

No issues here.

You've demonstrated that you are capable of engaging with freely rotating boxes in 3D space. Boxes are closely related to perspective, which helps us represent 3D spaces on a flat page. While 3D space exists as a set of each of the three dimensions, boxes give us three different sets of edges, each flowing in a single direction of a single dimension and perpendicular to the complementary two.


You may move on to the 250 box challenge, while adding all of these Lesson 1 exercises into the pool for your regular warmup routine. Just do your ellipses properly.

You understand what it takes and is required to create confident, fluid lines with the physical activities and approaches that enhance general control and understanding of perspective. By beginning with the fundamentals of perspective, you can focus on the important component of art, which is our comprehension of 3D space and how to represent it on a flat page. Well done!