
The Fearless

Joined 3 years ago

5475 Reputation

znorb's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • The Fearless
  • Giver of Life
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • The Relentless
  • Basics Brawler
    2 users agree
    1:32 PM, Monday August 8th 2022

    -Lines: In the super ghosted lines I can see you followed the steps properly, one thing i would improve is some small wobbliness on the lines, same thing with ghosted planes and superimposed. Remember focusing when drawing with your shoulder, you will get used to doing it with your shoulder if you keep practicing. Although I can see some repeated lines.

    -Ellipses: In the table of ellipses exercise I see you followed the steps properly, one thing I would improve is drawing with a concrete goal, because some of the ellipses are crossing between others. In the ellipses in planes exercise you followed the steps properly, I also can see you got a bit confused when doing the angle of some ellipses. In the funnels exercise I can see some of the ellipses a bit rotated out of the minor axis line, remember that in the funnels exercise the ellipses should be aligning to the minor axis. Also remember that ellipses must be drawn through ellipses 2 to 3 times, because I see some ellipses have more than 3x around.

    -Boxes: In the plotted perspective, you followed the steps properly, something I could say about the exercise is that some of the boxes are a bit distorted because they are out of the vanishing points. In the rough perspective lines should be parallel to horizon and the height lines perpendicular to horizon (it's hard to do this at first, but with some practice you could realize it easily). In the rotated boxes I see that you forgot to put some of the boxes in the top and bottom corners, so I can't give a completed critique (although, here's the example of what you forgot: https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/71381f82.jpg I know it's hard at first, but it's something normal), also remember drawing through boxes when doing the exercise. In the organic perspective you followed the steps properly, I can see them going from small to big, I can't say too much about it, these look great.

    In the ghosted planes you forgot 1 page and that includes ellipses in planes exercise because you draw those ellipses above those planes, also I said you forgot the rest of the boxes in the rotated boxes exercise. Remember that you need to do and send all the assignement pages to complete the lesson and move onto the next challenge.

    1 page ghosted planes

    1 page ellipses in planes

    Complete the rotated boxes exercise to include the missing ones (It should be 25 boxes in total - 5 wide x 5 tall

    Good luck with that!

    Next Steps:

    Ending L1 assignements

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    4:52 PM, Sunday July 31st 2022

    Oh, thank you for the feedback! I'm gonna move onto the 250 box challenge.

    0 users agree
    6:15 PM, Monday July 25th 2022

    Hi, I also had that same problem sometimes when I draw with ink. It usually happens to me because the angle of the pen is not straight enough for the ink of the pen to touch the paper. I usually try to draw with the pen perpendicular to the paper. If you still have problems even if you do what I said before, I assume it's because you are pressing too hard when drawing with the pen or maybe the pen is a bit dried out.

    I hope this helps you.

    (By the way, take the time you need to draw the boxes, and good luck with it!)

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Proko's Figure Drawing Fundamentals

Proko's Figure Drawing Fundamentals

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