
The Fearless

Joined 2 years ago

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znorb's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • The Fearless
  • Giver of Life
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • The Relentless
    1 users agree
    2:32 PM, Sunday October 9th 2022

    Lines: I can see wobbly lines on some of your lines, I can also see arching lines on ghosted lines and ghosted plans. These things usually happen because you’re used to using your wrist and not your shoulder when you’re drawing. Also remember to arc on the opposite side how it's said on L1 https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/ghostedlines. Some lines are fraying on both ends in the super imposed lines. You’ll get used to drawing with your shoulder if you keep practicing

    Ellipses: I can see some wobbly ellipses, that's because ellipses aren’t draw through 2-3 times before doing the ellipse. In funnels I can see some ellipses floating and ellipses that do not touch the limits of the funnel, also remember the line should cut ellipses in 2 symetrical halves. in table of ellipses the ellipses should be kept within the bounds and each

    ellipse touching each other without having overlapping.

    Boxes: in the box exercises I see wobbliness on the lines of some boxes, same as lines, you’ll get used to drawing with your shoulder if you practice. I can also see repeated lines on the boxes. In rotated boxes I can see that you forgot to make the 4 boxes on the corners. In organic perspective you should try adding some lineweight to the boxes to make things more clear.

    Remember that in drawabox exercises you don't have to make more extra pages. I tell this to you because both in the exercises of ghosted lines as in funnels I see that you did an extra page. I recommend you to read the Lesson 0 again https://drawabox.com/lesson/0

    In rotated boxes you forgot to end the other boxes so I can't mark your lesson as completed until you ended the exercise. https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/71381f82.jpg https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/rotatedboxes

    Next Steps:

    Ending the 4 boxes in the corners from the rotated boxes exercise

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    2 users agree
    2:50 PM, Tuesday October 4th 2022

    Lines: I can see wobbly lines in the line exercises. I can also see repeated lines in the lines ghosted exercises. Also on ghosted lines I see arching lines.

    Ellipses: I can see some wobbly ellipses the exercises, remember drawing though ellipses 2-3 times before doing the ellipse. I would like to mention that in the funnels exercise there are funnels that leave the folio, I only remind you because it is not necessary that the funnels do not cross. In this same exercise I can see that there are ellipses that are rotated from the minor axis. In ellipses in planes I can see ellipses that do not touch the four points of the plane.

    Boxes: I can see that you have repeated lines in some boxes. I also see that you have problems with perspective in rotated boxes exercise https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/368870697742630912/715669112222908466/zfr3o7xneog31.png

    I can see that you have a good understanding of the exercises that you did and why you are doing these exercises, and that is by far the most important thing of all. Everything else will improve with time and practice. So I can mark the lesson as complete.

    Next Steps:

    250 Box Challenge

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    7:15 PM, Monday October 3rd 2022

    No problem, I also forgot to put a guide for the rotated boxes exercise, so here you are


    1 users agree
    3:25 PM, Sunday September 25th 2022

    Lines: I can see wobbliness in some lines, above all I can see it in ghosted and in superimposed. I can also see that in ghosted lines the lines are a little arched.

    Ellipses: I can see that you have more confidence doing ellipses than lines. In the funnel exercise some ellipses are rotated from the minor axis. In table of ellipses I can see ellipses that cross the lines

    Boxes: In plotted perspective I can see that some boxes have height lines that are not perpendicular to the horizon line. In rotated boxes and organic perspective I can see problems with the perspective of the boxes. This is completely normal in the beginning, and all this will be improved with practice.

    I can see that you have done all the exercises and have followed the steps correctly in each one. I see that you understand the purpose of all these exercises and that's the most important thing, the mistakes you make will improve over time and practice, so I can mark the lesson as complete. Good luck with the 250 box challenge

    Next Steps:

    250 Box Challenge

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
    1 users agree
    3:24 PM, Friday September 16th 2022

    Lines: I can see that you have followed the steps correctly in all exercises. In ghosted lines I can see repeated lines, remember that in drawabox you should not repeat the lines. I can also see that there are wobbly lines, remember drawing using the shoulder and not with the wrist or elbow. And in superimposed lines I can see that some lines are fraying in both ends, remember taking the time to position the pen at the starting point of the guideline https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/1585f266.jpg

    Ellipses: In ellipses exercises you have also followed the steps correctly, I can also see that you have drawn through some ellipses more than 2-3 times https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/a76a8906.jpg. In Table of ellipses I can see that there are spaces between some ellipses. I would also like to mention that in the exercise of ellipses in planes some ellipses don't touch the 4 points

    Boxes: I can see that you have followed the steps correctly just like in the lines and ellipses. In organic perspective I can see that the boxes go from smaller to bigger, a problem I see is that you repeat a lot the lines of the box, and I can see some chicken scratching in some of them. I would like to mention that in the same exercise it is better to make a swoopy initial line that is not so complex to be less confused with the perspective.

    I see you ended all the exercises and I also see that you understand the purpose of all the exercises, everything else will improve over time, so I can mark the lesson as completed

    Next Steps:

    250 Box Challenge

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
    12:44 PM, Thursday August 25th 2022

    Thank you for the critique, I also did the extra boxes you said on next steps: https://imgur.com/a/h5M88aJ

    2 users agree
    11:45 AM, Friday August 19th 2022

    Hi, congratulations for ending Lesson 1, I can give you some feedback:

    Lines: I can see that in all the exercises you have done the steps correctly, in superimposed lines, I can see that the shorter lines have more confidence than the longer lines. I think is because you are not using the shoulder when drawing the lines, you will end up getting used to drawing with the shoulder if you keep practicing. In ghosted lines there are some arching lines, this can be solved if you try to arch in the opposite direction.

    Ellipses: I can see that here too you have followed the steps correctly. I can see that in the funnels exercise the ellipses are wobbly. I think this is due to you trying to fit them, and while we try to be accurate, confidence should always take the priority. Same with ellipses in planes and table of ellipses.

    Boxes: I can also see that you have followed the steps correctly. In rough perspective I can see that some height lines are not perpendicular to the horizon line. I would also like to mention that in the organic perspective exercise you could put lineweight to some of the boxes that are closer. In some parts you did, but in others you didn’t, so I would like to mention it.

    I can also see you’re having trouble with the ink. I recommend that you look at this part of lesson 0 again: https://drawabox.com/lesson/0/4 , because I think you're having a problem using the material when doing the exercises.

    After all I can see that you understand the purpose of each of the exercises, which is the most important thing about each one. Everything else will get better over time, so I can mark this lesson as completed.

    Next Steps:

    250 Box Challenge

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    0 users agree
    10:30 AM, Thursday August 18th 2022

    Hi, congratulations for ending Lesson 1, alright here's some feedback:

    Lines: In Super Imposed lines and Ghosted lines you followed the steps correctly, I can see that some of the lines are wobbly, this is usually because you’re not using your shoulder or you’re not used to using it. With practice you will end up getting used to using it. In the ghosted planes I can see some arching lines, it can be fixed by trying to arch consciously to the opposite direction.

    Ellipses: In table of ellipses and in ellipses in planes I can see that ellipses are drawn through more than 2 or 3 times. In funnels I can see that there is distance between the ellipses in some of them, and that some of the ellipses are a bit rotated out of the minor axis.

    Boxes: Good job with rough perspective exercise, the only thing is that you repeated many lines in some boxes. In rotated boxes you have also followed the steps correctly, although I can see that some boxes are not rotating. In plotted perspective there are distortion on some boxes: https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/202962fd.jpg. Also good job on the Organic perspective too, I can see the boxes going from big to small.

    Next Steps:

    250 box challenge

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
    1 users agree
    8:55 AM, Tuesday August 16th 2022

    -Lines: In the Superimposed Lines exercise I see that you have followed the steps correctly, some of the lines are fraying on both ends. Remember that you have to place the pen carefully at the beginning of each line. In Ghosted Lines and Ghosted Planes you have followed the steps properly too, I can see some lines wobbly, this is probably because you aren’t used to drawing from the shoulder, and you will improve at this over time. Just remember keeping your lines confident.

    -Ellipses: In Table of Ellipses I can see that you have followed the steps correctly and that your ellipses are more confident than your lines. In the Ellipses in Planes exercise I can see some ellipses a little wobbly. Remember also to draw through the ellipse 2 or 3 times. In the funnels exercise, I see that ellipses have better confidence. I can also see some ellipses a little rotated from the minor axis.

    -Boxes: In the Rough Perspective exercise you have followed the steps correctly, I can also see that some of the parts of the boxes are not perpendicular to the horizon line. Remember that the lines must be parallel to the horizon line, and the height lines must be perpendicular to the horizon line.

    -In the Plotted perspective you didn't end one of the boxes.

    -I think you forgot to do the Rotated Boxes Exercise, and you need to send it if you want to end Lesson 1 exercises

    Next Steps:

    Sending the Rotated Boxes exercise and ending the Plotted Perspective exercise

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    2 users agree
    4:00 PM, Saturday August 13th 2022

    -Lines: in super imposed lines you followed the steps properly, although i can see some wobbliness on the lines. In the ghosted lines you also followed the steps. There are some repeated lines on the ghosted lines exercise. Remember that you should focus on drawing with your shoulder, and you will get used to doing it with your shoulder if you keep practicing it, and also remember that you should not repeat the lines, no matter how off a line is from the point. In the ghosted planes you forgot to complete the cross through the center of the x in the previous step, how it's shown on this picture: https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/8bee19e4.jpg

    -Ellipses: In the Table of ellipses you followed the steps properly. One thing you should keep in mind is that you should draw through the ellipses 2-3 times before doing the ellipse, how it's shown on the lesson image: https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/a76a8906.jpg. In the funnels exercise you also followed the instructions. Some of the ellipses are a bit rotated out of the minor axis line, remember that the ellipses should align to the minor axis.

    -Boxes: In the rotated boxes exercise you followed the steps properly, the corners between the boxes must be kept close. In rough perspective you also followed the steps, something I can see is that some height lines aren't perpendicular to the horizon. In organic perspective you also followed the steps, I see the boxes going from big to small

    You forgot to finish the cross section on the ghosted planes exercise. You should finish the exercise before you move to the 250 box challenge. You don't need to redo 2 new more pages + ellipses, you can just finish the cross section in the planes you already did ignoring the ellipses you did for the ellipses in planes

    (Next step: Ending the cross section in the planes you already did)

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Sketching: The Basics

Sketching: The Basics

A lot of folks have heard about Scott Robertson's "How to Draw" - it's basically a classic at this point, and deservedly so. It's also a book that a lot of people struggle with, for the simple reason that they expect it to be a manual or a lesson plan explaining, well... how to draw. It's a reasonable assumption, but I've found that book to be more of a reference book - like an encyclopedia for perspective problems, more useful to people who already have a good basis in perspective.

Sketching: The Basics is a far better choice for beginners. It's more digestible, and while it introduces a lot of similar concepts, it does so in a manner more suited to those earlier in their studies.

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