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yellowj's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
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    2:51 AM, Wednesday July 15th 2020

    Overall the lesson looks pretty good. But your rotated boxes really needs some work. I do reccomend going to the 250 box challenge but try to push yourself and start drawing boxes from different perspectives. You can even use the y-method for creating boxes. My main advice is to jump out your comfort zone.

    Regarding your ellipses remember to use your shoulders and don't hesitate. If you feel like your going to miss your target its better to miss it and make a decent ellipse because the whole point is to make confidence in your lines. Other than that make sure you keep working on the ghosting method and you'll be good.


    The critique guide for self guidance.

    9:41 PM, Tuesday July 14th 2020

    Thanks so much I really appreciate the advice. I look forward to improving and thanks for sending the link.

The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something I've used myself. If you're interested, here is a full list.
Faber Castell PITT Artist Pens

Faber Castell PITT Artist Pens

Like the Staedtlers, these also come in a set of multiple weights - the ones we use are F. One useful thing in these sets however (if you can't find the pens individually) is that some of the sets come with a brush pen (the B size). These can be helpful in filling out big black areas.

Still, I'd recommend buying these in person if you can, at a proper art supply store. They'll generally let you buy them individually, and also test them out beforehand to weed out any duds.

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