
Geometric Guerilla

Joined 4 years ago

650 Reputation

verdenchanger's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • Geometric Guerilla
  • Giver of Life
  • Basics Brawler
    5:14 AM, Monday May 1st 2023


    thank you so much for your detailed critique! I appreciate that very much. Funny enough with the degree shift…I noticed now that I sometimes just hatched the wrong side…Idk why I literally did that, could be because I have done this challenge in some stressful time and wasn’t really that concentrated/aware of what I’m doing which is not really good, but neither the less, thanks for pointing it out! :’)

    And thank you so much for the clarification of the line extensions like ngl I was pretty overwhelmed by all these lines etc. from the start, which made my execution of the cylinders much poorer than they could have actually been. That’s why I definitely tried to avoid these mistakes this time and be more fond of what I’m doing.

    Although I noticed that my newer cylinders constructed around a minor axis are kind of wrong in the degree shifts from time to time but I varied them a lot more as well as tried to also include every line extension in the cylinders in boxes. :)

    Again thank you so much for your critique! It really helped me to learn from my mistakes…Although I still have a lot to learn in case of cylinders I think that I kind of grasped their core purpose now a bit better!

    Here’s the link for the new cylinders:

    12:00 PM, Saturday July 24th 2021

    First of all I´m so sorry for literally just answering over month later :/ I didn´t really log into my DrawABox account for some weeks because of private events occuring but neither the less ,as I logged in today I was really happy to see a notification! Thank you so much for your encouraging words and compliments like I could not be more motivated to draw right now ,as I´ve been in an art block and motivational lack towards art for about 3 weeks ,which made seriously mad. So, thank you so much again for your kind feedback, really appreciating it. Btw it´s a funny coincidence that after finishing lesson 3 ,I started to make figure drawing for about a month to learn timed drawing and work against my perfectionism, so I guess I already took your next step haha :)

    2 users agree
    7:01 AM, Sunday March 14th 2021

    Hey first of all, congrats on finishing the 250 box challenge :) (Just a quick disclaimer, I've also just finished the 250 box challenge and don't know if I can already give the best critique but I wanna try it and help others out.)

    That's already a huge milestone if ya have made it this far haha, so anyway going to the critique...

    First of all, you've done a really good job!

    You're lines are pretty clean with little wobbling, you made your boxes sides quite well and you overall did a nice job. I've just some advices and critic...At first I saw that you're lines often converged too soon or they diverged in complete other direction, which didn't really was at your last 100-150 boxes I've seen, so you improved in that aspect already. The only thing that made it a bit hard for me to really judge your boxes completely was, that you've made the lines to check your boxes a bit short...I sometimes see that ,if they've been a bit longer or shorter, you woud've seen a lot more errors or mistakes which you could've learned from. In addition I saw, that some lines actually seem quite good but if you look closer, they either converge too soon are diverging or are going in their own direction, which is totally okay as I've made these mistakes too and they're not as dramatic as lines that're really off...But just as a little advice that if you've that much room to check your lines to use it!

    But overall you've done a good job and I can see that you've learned something from the lesson to improve :)

    Next Steps:

    Maybe do some boxes as a warm up where you really make your lines longer to check even the tiniest mistakes. The more tiny mistakes you even see, the better.

    But now I would jump onto the second lesson, have fun! :)

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    6:12 AM, Wednesday February 3rd 2021

    Thank you so much for the feedback and critique, this really helps a lot :)

    Gonna pay more attention to the "Y" of my boxes as I finally realize what I've done wrong...I made them often too acute or that the vanishing points of them pointed towards the viewer haha...So that made some things more clear! Gonna tackle the 250 boxes challenge next, thanks again.

    3:22 PM, Tuesday February 2nd 2021

    Oh thank you so much for your detailed analysis of my first lesson, that really helps a lot :) Gotta tackle the 250 boxes challenge now ,so I'll hopefully understand perspective and rotation more so I can try the rotated and organic box challenge again!

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The Science of Deciding What You Should Draw

The Science of Deciding What You Should Draw

Right from when students hit the 50% rule early on in Lesson 0, they ask the same question - "What am I supposed to draw?"

It's not magic. We're made to think that when someone just whips off interesting things to draw, that they're gifted in a way that we are not. The problem isn't that we don't have ideas - it's that the ideas we have are so vague, they feel like nothing at all. In this course, we're going to look at how we can explore, pursue, and develop those fuzzy notions into something more concrete.

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