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tygerson's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • The Observant
  • Victorious
  • High Roller
  • Technician
  • Geometric Guerilla
  • Tamer of Beasts
  • The Fearless
  • Giver of Life
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • The Relentless
  • Basics Brawler
    6:24 AM, Monday February 26th 2024

    Here is a video by Peter Han (that might have been Uncomfy's teacher, but I'm not sure).


    Don't be intimidated by the 2 hour length--the important bit is from about the 10 minute mark to 22 minutes.

    Also, to check your work, you can make a free acount in Tinkercad and move around shapes. (see more explanation here)


    7:33 AM, Sunday February 18th 2024

    Glad it helped--good luck moving forward!

    7:16 AM, Sunday February 11th 2024

    I think you have the right idea in joining the discord. The cylinder challenge is a bear, especially when you hit the cylinders in boxes. When joining an online community, the more help/encouragement you offer, the better experience you will have. Also ask for help of course, but remember that you have something to offer as well.

    0 users agree
    7:08 AM, Sunday February 11th 2024

    Can you bend a piece of paper in space? Maybe try that, and then sort of fit a leaf onto that page (see the bottom of this sheet--ignore the poison oak/blackberry leaves): https://imgur.com/a/RB3jDGp

    I think the confusion happens because we have start with the wonky edges of a leaf, and are trying to bend those wonky lines. (Sort of like how in rendering, you have the color/value of the light on top of local color/value, which can be confusing to untangle.)

    If you can fold a rectangular leaf, that's a first step.

    3:36 AM, Saturday February 3rd 2024

    Ah, thanks, that answers my questions about orthographic plans too. I wasn't sure if photoshop was okay (but was sure hoping!).

    12:42 AM, Sunday January 28th 2024

    Thanks so much! Yes, I agree that my texture/cast shadow thing needs work!

    2 users agree
    6:07 PM, Tuesday December 5th 2023

    Congratulations on getting through the 250 cylinders!

    You have good line confidence, generally well aligned ellipses with 2-3 passes, ellipses that change in degree as they get farther away, varied cylinders, and all your lines to check your work. Likewise, it looks like you remember your box work from 250 boxes.

    There were some sporadic errors, such as 212, which was round enough for 1 point perspective (it seems you corrected this in 213), or 76, which had a very dramatic difference in ellipse degree.

    It also seems like you had difficulty aligning cylinders in boxes that didn't have the corner nearly right towards you, giving the benefit of near symmetry. I had a hard time with these too. The only thing I could think of to do was to draw the ellipse before drawing the plane. I'm not sure if drawing the ellipse first is "cheating." Perhaps someone else has a better idea of how to tackle this. I think using ellipse guides in lessons 6 and 7 helps with this problem a bit. Scott Robertson's book talks about this a bit ( https://imgur.com/a/WUERjtz ). It seems to boil down to creating horizontal bounds, putting the correct ellipse in with a guide, and then fitting the verticals to the ellipse.

    However, overall it looks like your understanding grew and you benefitted from trying out a lot of different things. It was better to have the variety and experimentation, complete with sporadic errors/corrections, than it would have been to stick with a few "safe" options. On to lesson 6!

    Next Steps:

    Move on to lesson 6, and possibly ask on discord how to handle cylinders in boxes that are line up oddly.

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    5:34 PM, Tuesday December 5th 2023

    That's awesome--way to dig into it and figure it out!

    Next Steps:

    Carry on

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    4 users agree
    10:52 PM, Monday December 4th 2023

    Congrats on getting through lesson 1!

    Here are some thoughts:

    Lines: Your frayed lines look good, only frayed at one end and pretty confident. Same thing with the dot to dot lines and ghosted planes. Sometimes there are some wobbles--if that starts happening, do some loose lines on a piece of scratch paper to recapture that confident feel.

    Ellipses: You are passing through 2-3 times as directed, and making an effort to be confident and within bounds. I notice that a number of ellipses in planes are a bit diamond shaped. It can be difficult to figure out how to fit ellipses into planes, but here are a few with corrections: https://imgur.com/HRDC5To

    Improving line and ellipse quality:

    When my lines start to get wobbly, I "reset" myself by just drawing a bunch of loose lines (not superimposed--totally free) over the paper. Then I do some superimposed lines, and then I go back to whatever I was trying to do.

    For ellipses, similar thing. First, draw a few quick super loose ones (not in a table or anything), then a few aligned with a minor axis (like this: https://imgur.com/a/FVVPp6Z ), then constrained ellipses (like one or two panels of a table), then I go back to the real task.

    Boxes: 1 and 2 point perspective exercises looks like you understand the idea, and the rotated boxes are good enough for now.

    On the organic boxes, the first thing I notice is that the sweeping lines look hesitant. Be free with big, sweeping lines! You'll be drawing lines like this for the ribbons exercise, plants, and animals later. This is jumping the gun a bit, but you'll eventually need to be able to match sweeping lines to make ribbons. Drawing guideline dots can help: https://imgur.com/hlpb31I Don't worry about this so much now, but keep it in mind later.

    As for the boxes, there are some diverging lines, but the 250 box challenge will teach you to correct that. Make sure you get discord feedback within 20 boxes or so of starting, so that you know if you're on the right track. (The "basic challenges" channel)

    Overall, this is a good start! Onward!

    Next Steps:

    On to the 250 box challenge! Be sure to get discord feedback on the "basic challenges" channel within about 20 boxes of starting, so you know you're on the right track.

    Warmups: Keep doing line exercises (straight and curved) and ellipse exercises for your warmups. You'll especially need ellipses and curves in lesson 2 and beyond, and it takes a while to get confident. Practice them for warmups as you do the box challenge, along with straight line exercises, and "future you" will thank you!

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 4 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    7:58 PM, Monday December 4th 2023

    Congratulations on getting through your 250 boxes! Your lines look clean, and I see a lot of improvement start to finish. You could use a bit more variety in size/shape/divergence/orientation, but you accomplished the primary goal of learning to estimate converging lines.

    It appears that something abruptly "clicked" for you in a good way, around box 97. Before that page, many of your boxes had diverging lines. Afterwards, very few had that issue. What changed for you there?

    In any case, good work, and carry on!

    Next Steps:

    On to lesson 2! Try to get feedback on discord (in the lesson 2 channel) as you go through the lesson, to catch any errors early.

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
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