12:47 AM, Tuesday March 29th 2022
Hi Kartvegas my name is trollfromhell,first of all i really like your boxes because they look clean and neat i am impressed by that anyway can you tell me what pen u use to draw ur boxes ???
first of all your lines are very confident and they are not wobbly also i think when you put line weights for your boxes u should choose one side of the boxes only just look at this https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/980a575e.jpg
and your extending lines are good eventhough they are not converging to the vp,the more u draw boxes the more u will get better at sensing where the vp also keep in mind lines are converging in pairs as shown here https://imgur.com/KSHwTwo
and i want u to take a look at this https://i.imgur.com/8PqQLE0.png this picture shows u that the further the box is from vp the degree of each lines will be nearly 90 degree or close enough like a straight line but on the other hand the closer the box to vp the degree of the lines will become very small or less than 90 degree (i hope u get what i mean)
also if you want to try another way to tackle inner corner issue since lines coverging in pairs use this as an example https://imgur.com/a/DHlA3Jh i personally havent tried this way but if you want give your shot do it
also pay attention to the similar orientation of the boxes
this picture will show u how boxes rotate and the way our eyes see boxes from different angle https://imgur.com/Kqg6uMX
keep in mind u should draw from imagination ok,so use that as your refrence and think boxes rotate in your mind
lastly i want u to draw 30 boxes more with shallow vanishing points (the vp is far from the box)
also just like i have give you my critique can you also give agreement to my homework submission ??? https://drawabox.com/community/submission/LVP3J18 it'd be helpful to me too
Next Steps:
30 boxes more