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trollfromhell's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • The Relentless
  • Basics Brawler
    0 users agree
    12:47 AM, Tuesday March 29th 2022

    Hi Kartvegas my name is trollfromhell,first of all i really like your boxes because they look clean and neat i am impressed by that anyway can you tell me what pen u use to draw ur boxes ???

    first of all your lines are very confident and they are not wobbly also i think when you put line weights for your boxes u should choose one side of the boxes only just look at this

    and your extending lines are good eventhough they are not converging to the vp,the more u draw boxes the more u will get better at sensing where the vp also keep in mind lines are converging in pairs as shown here

    and i want u to take a look at this this picture shows u that the further the box is from vp the degree of each lines will be nearly 90 degree or close enough like a straight line but on the other hand the closer the box to vp the degree of the lines will become very small or less than 90 degree (i hope u get what i mean)

    also if you want to try another way to tackle inner corner issue since lines coverging in pairs use this as an example i personally havent tried this way but if you want give your shot do it

    also pay attention to the similar orientation of the boxes

    this picture will show u how boxes rotate and the way our eyes see boxes from different angle

    keep in mind u should draw from imagination ok,so use that as your refrence and think boxes rotate in your mind

    lastly i want u to draw 30 boxes more with shallow vanishing points (the vp is far from the box)

    also just like i have give you my critique can you also give agreement to my homework submission ??? it'd be helpful to me too


    Next Steps:

    30 boxes more

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    0 users agree
    9:15 AM, Monday March 28th 2022

    Hi Ladondelphi i am trollfromhell and here is my critique of your 250 boxes exercise

    1.extending lines

    you are doing a good job by extending your lines towards the vanishing point just make sure your lines converging to one vansihing point and the more you draw boxes the more you will get better at putting these lines to that VP

    2.hatching lines

     this is optional but since we want to make it look 3D it would be better if we put hatching lines on the side of the box where the viewers see the box and apparently you don't put hatching lines 


    apply lineweight one 1 side of the boxes to make the viewers think we are looking from that side of the boxes 
    check this out

    4.use dots

    apply dots when u are not sure where u want to put ur lines when forming boxes coz i see some over extended lines

    5.some repeating lines

     when you make a mistake when putting lines, no need to repeat drawing a line to fix it coz you end up putting lineweight and breake the cohesion of the boxes (the 3d effect) so avoid it at all cost

    6.Similar orientations with boxes.

    most of your boxes look similar in a way their vanishing points are close to the object and it implies we are looking a very   tall object so i suggest try drawing boxes with shallow vanishing points (vanishing points are far from the object) 
    Here's a diagram that shows different orientations of boxes, so check it out to get some ideas. Keep in mind that in the box challenge you should always draw from imagination, not from reference, so don't use them to copy.

    7.inner corner

    it's pretty common to see mistakes when putting the inner corner lines,one way to solve it is to start thinking lines in pairs so basically the further the box is from the vp,the lines will look parallel just look at this

    you can also try drawing the inner corner of the boxes before drawing the last line

    also can you do me a favour ??? i need 1 agreement for my 250 boxes submission : )

    lastly i want u to try drawing 30 boxes more with shallow vanishing points and with hatchings and line weights

    Next Steps:

    30 boxes more

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    6:01 AM, Sunday March 27th 2022

    ok bro so are there any guides i can follow to give people critique for 250 boxes like u did to me ???

    1:48 PM, Wednesday March 23rd 2022

    Hello friend first of all thank you for putting your time to give critique of my 250 boxes lesson and here is my 30 boxes lesson also i agree that i don't put shadows on ,my boxes and my line weight is not correct also it seems i kinda of stuck in one angle of the box when drawing 250 boxes

    btw i am using red pen when drawing boxes here also i am sorry if am making a lot of ink glob on my paper,is there any advice to avoid this ???

    so i hope i am making a remedy of my previous 250 boxes lesson


    11:18 AM, Wednesday March 16th 2022

    lines are okay but ur elipses need to be cut in half with minor axis (the middle line) and your rough perspective is also good but u need to use ghosting method with ur shoulder not your wrist to connect the lines which forming boxes

    other than that you have finished this lesson 1

    Next Steps:

    but ur elipses

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2:49 PM, Monday March 14th 2022

    my point is make sure the vp is just far off the page because when we put the vp too close to the boxes it will look like we (the viewers) see a very tall object from the ground another thing is when you look at a cube quite close,you are not gonna be able to see 4 sides anymore you will see just see 3 parts or 2 parts of the boxes,this picture will explain what i am talking about

    so like in rough perspective you just need to keep the boxes perspective far off so it will not look like a very tall object being rotated

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
    2:39 AM, Sunday March 13th 2022

    no problem just move on to 250 boxes

    0 users agree
    6:45 AM, Friday March 11th 2022

    Hello Clhide i am trollfromhell and i will give u my critique of your lesson 1 and btw nice wooden table u got there

    let's look at your


    your super imposed lines are good because fraying is only acceptable at the far end of the lines and your ghsoted lines are good

    2.elipses in planes

    they look clean and neat i really like them,you have made your elipses lines close together

    3.elipses in tables

    if u have diifculty to draw elipses from uncomfortable angle,do rotate the paper so you can use ur shoulder freely also use ghosting method when drawing elipses 

    4.ellipses in funnels

    On funnels, the minor axis (the line in the middle) should cut ellipses in 2 symetrical halves.

    5.plotted perspective

    they would look so much better if you putted some lines for shadow to make it look 3D

    6.rough perspective

    no need to be harsh on yourself for this exercise because as long u know that width lines should be parallel to horizon and height lines perpendicular to horizon it's already good enough

    7.rotated boxes

    you will find this guide useful to let u know how to draw rotated boxes perspective

    u should draw the boxes with shallow vp meaning the vp is so far away and the boxes will just look like cube

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
    0 users agree
    6:16 AM, Friday March 11th 2022

    hi Fredericthins my name is trollfromhell and i will give u my critique of your lesson 1


    your super imposed lines are good but i think it's time for u to ghost your lines before u stroke ur straight lines to the far end,and ur ghosting lines are good i like it

    2.elipses in the planes

    when u draw elipses make sure u keep the lines of the elipses close together since we are told to draw it through to make them look clean

    3.elipses in tables

    u should also do ghosting method when drawing elipses and do rotate ur paper if you find some angles are very hard to draw elipses

    4.elipses in funnels

    On funnels, the minor axis (the line in the middle) should cut ellipses in 2 symetrical halves.

    5.plotted perspective

    you nailed it on the head,they look great and awesome i like it so much

    6.rough perspective

    even if you find it difficult to plot the lines with rough estimation you have made sure the width lines parallel to horizon and height lines perpendicular to horizon. so it doesnt matter for now if your boxes are not really accurate when we use extending lines to vanishing point

    7.rotated boxes

    there are some boxes which are not rotating,the key is to know vp slides along the horizonal line as the boxes rotate,i am sure u will find this guide useful perspective

    they are great and i think it's time for u to learn boxes deeper in 250 boxes exercise 

    Next Steps:

    1 ellipses in funnels

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    2 users agree
    5:55 AM, Friday March 11th 2022

    Hello Cpinzon my name is trollfromhell and i am gonna give u my critiques if your lesson 1


    your super imposed lines are fraying on both ends,u should know that when u stroke ur lines u must use ghosting method so you will hit it with better accuracy,fraying is only acceptable at the far end

    -your ghosted lines are good

    2.elipses in the planes

    when you draw through elipses twice make sure u keep the lines close together so they will look clean

    3.tables of elipses

    u need to ghost your elipses before u draw them,just like u ghost straight lines with your shoulder u also draw elipses with your shoulder too also if needed rotate the paper to draw elipses


    the minor axis (the line in the middle) should cut ellipses in 2 symetrical halves.

    5.plotted perspective

    you should put darker lines for shadow but other than it looks clean and neat

    6.rough perspective

    your lines should be parallel to horizon and height lines perpendicular to horizon,make sure they are 90 degree whether they are horizontal or vertical lines of your boxes,put dots to draw the face of the box

    7.rotated boxes

    they are okay and i think you will learn more in 250 boxes exercise perspective

    keep the size of your boxes like cube from smaller becoming bigger i reccomend u to strart drawing with Y rather than any angle

    Next Steps:

    2 super imposed lines

    1 ellipses in funnels

    1 rough perspective

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
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Wescott Grid Ruler

Wescott Grid Ruler

Every now and then I'll get someone asking me about which ruler I use in my videos. It's this Wescott grid ruler that I picked up ages ago. While having a transparent grid is useful for figuring out spacing and perpendicularity, it ultimately not something that you can't achieve with any old ruler (or a piece of paper you've folded into a hard edge). Might require a little more attention, a little more focus, but you don't need a fancy tool for this.

But hey, if you want one, who am I to stop you?

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