
Dimensional Dominator

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terry's Sketchbook

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    11:39 PM, Friday July 24th 2020

    If you are familiar with Imgur maybe you can help me out. I submitted my Lesson 1 with Imgur and was able to get all pages uploaded and get a single link so that you could scroll through it all. Today I was not able to get any link for my 250 Box submission. I had 42 pages and it showed them when I was on the page, but when I used the link to come back to it, blank. No images. I tried fewer pages and got the same result. Everything was grayed out when I added the pages so there was no way to post it. I finally signed up for an account with Imgur with the same result. Finally, after a couple of hours of messing with it I just created an album (which I couldn't get a link for) and got individual links for each page. So my 250 box homework submission includes 42 individual links. Very frustrating!

    Any ideas?

    1 users agree
    10:28 PM, Saturday July 18th 2020

    I'm doing the same exercise and I just completed 150. I also try to do 12 a day, but sometimes only 6 and sometimes I just work on fun stuff and don't draw any boxes. There is a certain amount of grind in this 250 box challenge but I personally think it best to minimize that by not trying to do too much at once. Like you said it could get really frustrating if you try to do too much. I want to finish and move on to other things as well, but I want to finish without being too beat up. What you do is entirely up to you, but hopefully you will not lose sight of the goal of learning and improving your art through knowledge and practice.

    Just a thought.

    11:46 PM, Wednesday June 17th 2020

    Hi Hamsetro!

    Thanks for the critique. I'm a complete noob so I am often unsure if I am doing things right or adequately. The suggestions are appreciated too. I just started with the 250 box challenge and will do some of the Lesson 1 exercises as warm up. The ghosted lines and planes are two that I do quite a bit since they really need improvement and will help me with the 250 box challenge. I intend to use the others also.

    Thanks again!

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Steven Zapata's Secrets of Shading

Steven Zapata's Secrets of Shading

Some of you will have noticed that Drawabox doesn't teach shading at all. Rather, we focus on the understanding of the spatial relationships between the form we're drawing, which feeds into how one might go about applying shading. When it comes time to learn about shading though, you're going to want to learn it from Steven Zapata, hands down.

Take a look at his portfolio, and you'll immediately see why.

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