
Joined 4 years ago

700 Reputation

tchanmil's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
    2:35 PM, Sunday December 3rd 2023

    Hey Thanks a lot for the reply!

    This made things a lot more clear for me, I'll definitely keep trying my best to take part on the community and try to one day submit my stuff for official critique if I can.

    Once again thank you for the input.

    2 users agree
    12:31 AM, Monday July 24th 2023

    Hey! Congrats on finishing up Lesson 1 and welcome to Drawabox!

    I'll be offering up my two cents for this submission.

    You show very good confidence in your lines all around. There is arching in some of the lines, it is not egregious, but it should be kept in mind as it usually means that at some point of making that line, another muscle other than your shoulder took over. I also noticed some fraying on both ends of a few superimposed lines, however there is an immediate improvement as I imagine you managed to pickup those mistakes by yourself and improved your accuracy.

    You did a very good job with the ghosted lines and planes. Something to take notice would be that a few of the marks go over the end dot of your planning, not a mistake as the tendency to do so usually gets ironed out with time, but should be considered in the future.

    In the Funnels exercise, some of your ellipses are not aligned with the minor axis. The minor axis should cut your ellipses in two equal parts down the middle. This happens when the ellipses drawn end up being tilted to either side.

    Although this didn't happen in every funnel, I felt it should still be mentioned.

    Every ellipse was clearly drawn with confidence and using the correct method, so keep the minor axis in mind and you'll eventually grasp it.

    For the ellipses tables, you avoided overlaps and kept them touching the edges accurately. The number of accurate ellipses is honestly impressive, good work.

    Your rough perspective came out good. There isn't much to be said to the execution of this exercise as it is meant to be an introduction on a way of tackling drawing perspective without explicitly plotting every line to a vanishing point.

    Rotated boxes is the first big barrier every Drawabox student comes across. This exercise is all about guessing where the next box should be by using the technical directions given by Uncomfortable and the information that is already in your page. By not drawing your vanishing points but keeping in mind that they still exist and must have an effect in your perspective, it forces you into a basic set of rules with some leeway to go and little too far without breaking your drawing.

    Some of your boxes, mostly at the edges, seem to not have their corners close to the box next to them. Once again, it didn't happen much but it should be still be mentioned and kept in mind for your future exercises.

    You rotated the boxes correctly in pretty much every case, while keeping your linework consistent and confident. This is usually hard to those just starting Drawabox because of the sheer number of lines one has to make in this exercise, students tend to get lazy and skip some important steps (like ghosting, plotting and drawing from the shoulder). This is normal, it is to be expected, it happens, and you still avoided it. Good work

    Rotated boxes is the first big barrier every Drawabox student comes across, and I would say you did a good job overcoming it.

    There isn't much to be said about your Organic Perspective. The boxes feel solid just by looking at them, and they have a nice flow with their sizes in relation to each other. Very good.

    Overall, lesson 1 serves as a way to introduce you to a certain way of drawing by focusing mainly on hammering in the idea of confident line making, and to a certain way of thinking, as each exercise serves a purpose by training a skill you will use in the following exercise. It also shows a small glimpse of what will be tackled in the following lessons. In my opinion you nailed all aspects and are ready to move forward.

    Next Steps:

    The 250 Boxes Challenge is the obvious next step, as it will serve as a way to further expose you to the ideas that Lesson 1 only skimmed through.

    I would also recommend you to have a quick read of Lesson 2, but not actually start the homework for the lesson.

    Get ready for boxes... many of them.....

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
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