
High Roller

Joined 1 year ago

2600 Reputation

seebfl's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • High Roller
  • Giver of Life
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • The Relentless
  • Basics Brawler
    1 users agree
    10:34 AM, Saturday January 13th 2024

    You used the ghosting method and your lines are confident. After box 50 you seem to have started to experiment with foreshortening which is good. You extended the lines correctly and have drawn through the boxes.

    After box 180 or so the boxes look very good. Well done.

    When you decide to use hatching try to space the lines evenly. If you should add this exercise to your warmups you could use lineweight on the silhouette of the boxes. Add single confident lines with moderate pressure.

    Good job. I mark this lesson as complete.

    Next Steps:

    Practice 50% rule and move on to lesson 2.

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
    0 users agree
    8:58 AM, Wednesday January 10th 2024

    The first ten pages look very good. You draw through all your boxes. Most of the time you extended the lines correctly with a ruler and your marks are confident. You experiment with different vanishing points which is great.

    Up to page 35 some of the boxes seem a bit tapered/warped. One way to avoid this is to use consistent foreshortening for each box.

    From page 45 on the improvement is significant and it becomes visible that the parallel lines of the boxes converge a the same vanishing point.

    When you decide to add hatching keep it evenly spaced.

    Good work and I mark the lesson as complete.

    Next Steps:

    Practice the 50% rule and move on to Lesson 2.

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
    3 users agree
    8:43 AM, Wednesday January 10th 2024

    Your linework looks good. The superimposed lines have a bit of fraying at one end. The ghosted lines are very good work. There seems to be a bit of arching. Using the shoulder could help there. The ghosted planes are well done. A little bit of arching here as well. You seem to overshoot a bit. You could try to repeat the steps of the ghosting methods more often and to experiment with the speed of the steps themselves. Very well done.

    Your ellipses are drawn through and confidently executed. The ellipses in tables fit against the borders and show variation. The ellipses in planes are well done and most are evenly formed. Some seem to float a bit. Try to aim to fit them against the lines of the planes. Your funnels are well executed and drawn through. Some ellipses seem not to lign up with the marked line for the minor axis. You could integrate this exercise into your warmups. All in all good job.

    You used a ruler for your plotted perspective and aligned the horizontal sides to the vanishing points correctly. The hatching is good work and the verticals are perpendicular to the horizon line. Your plotted perspective is good work. You extended the lines correctly and used one single vanishing point. Your lines seem to arch here as well a bit. You have drawn through your rotated boxes and the vanishing point for each box changes position. The gaps are tight and you have completed all the steps of the exercise and drawn every box. The boxes in your organic perspective look good. You used shallow foreshortening and the size is gradually changing. When adding lineweight use single confident marks. When you decide against adding lineweight don't go over them a second time. The lines themselve look good and you clearly used the ghosting method.

    Good job and I mark the lesson as complete.

    Next Steps:

    You could integrate the funnels and ghosted planes into your warmup.

    Practice the 50% rule.

    Move on to 250 Box Challenge.

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 3 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    1 users agree
    4:29 PM, Tuesday January 9th 2024

    Your lines are confident. The superimposed lines show little fraying and the ghosted lines clearly show that you try to hit the mark and succeed most of the time. The Ghosted planes are well done and overall your linework shows no visible arching to me. Well done.

    Your ellipses in tables are drawn through, they show variation and you aim to hit the borders. It appears to me that some of the ellipses in planes seem to float. Try to fit them against the borders of the plane. The ellipses are well executed though and evenly formed. Good job.

    The ellipses in funnels exercise is missing.

    The plotted perspective is well done, you used a ruler and placed the vanishing points correctly. Although the last frame only has two boxes the boxes themselves are well done with the verticals perpendicular to the horizon line. The hatching is evenly spaced. Good work.

    The rough perspective looks good. The front and back faces are rectangular, you extended the lines correctly and placed one vanishing point. The linework is confident and it seems you used the ghosting method.

    Your rotated boxes look very good. You have drawn through all of them and the vanishing point is changing position. Very good job.

    You used the ghosting method for the organic perspective exercise and used shallow foreshortening. The boxes are gradually getting bigger/smaller.

    Update your post with the ellipses in funnels exercise and I will mark this lesson as complete.

    Next Steps:

    1 page of Ellipses in Funnels exercise.

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    0 users agree
    10:25 AM, Tuesday January 9th 2024

    I couldn't make out any particular order in which you uploaded them.

    It seems you extended the lines correctly towards the vanishing points and you varied the length of the sides. Your lines are straight and confident.

    Your skill has improved towards the end. The construction of the last ones is really good. The foreshortening is shallow.

    Make sure when you add hatching that you keep it consistently spaced and it seems to me that when you added lineweight to the silhouette you went over the marks several times. Try to use the ghosting method when adding lineweight and make single confident marks.

    I haven't counted your boxes but you have 42 pages with six or more boxes and one page with a single one which should suffice. Drawing more than six boxes per page makes it more difficult since you have to make the boxes themselves smaller.

    Very well done. I mark the lesson as complete.

    Next Steps:

    You could add some bigger boxes to your warmups and practice doing the lineweight with the ghosting method.

    Practice the 50% rule and move on to lesson 2.

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
    3 users agree
    10:29 AM, Monday January 8th 2024

    Your superimposed lines look good. There is a little fraying on one end. Your linework is confident.

    Your ghosted lines are confident and most of them are straight. Some show a bit of arching and some of the longer lines seem to have a little bow at one end. I can't tell if it is the point where you start or stop. It might help to lift the pen off the paper once you have reached the mark or to repeat the steps of the ghosting method more often. One way to decrease the arching could be to use the shoulder more.

    Your ghosted planes look good. The lines are confident and most are straight but there is a little arching here as well. Overall good work.

    Your ellipses in tables look good and you have drawn through most of them. There are some that seem not be fully drawn through twice. Try to draw through them two or three times fully. They seem to fit good against the borders and most of them have a consistent shape. Good job.

    The ellipses in planes look very good. The shape is more rounded and you have fully drawn through them.

    The ellipses in funnels are good work. The ellipses themselves line up with the minor axis and they touch the borders. Some of the smaller ellipses look a bit wobbly though.

    The plotted perspective is good work. You used a ruler and placed the vanishing points correctly. Except for the box in the last frame on the very right side all the verticals seem perpendicular to the horizon line and the hatching is good work.

    You have placed the vanishing points for your rough perspective in the center and have used the line extensions correctly. Most of the front and back faces are rectangular. Some are a bit off. You seemed to have used the ghosting method but there is a bit of arching visible. You could try to take more time for the stages of the ghosting method. Overall well done.

    The rotated boxes are very well done. You have drawn through them and the gaps are small. The vanishing points change position and you have drawn all boxes of this exercise.

    The organic perspective is good work. You ghosted the lines and all in all your linework seems to have improved. The foreshortening is quite shallow and the boxes gradually change size.

    Very good work and I mark the lesson as completed.

    Next Steps:

    You could incorporate the ellipses in planes exercise into your warmup routine to further improve your linequality.

    Move on to 250 box challenge.

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 3 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    0 users agree
    10:03 AM, Monday January 8th 2024

    On the first five pages some of the vanishing points are a bit off which makes some boxes look a little warped. That is to be expected since rotating these boxes freely is quite hard. Your linework is confident and smooth. The hatching has consistent spaces in between. Except for one time on box #7 you extended the lines correctly towards the vanishing point. A very good start.

    On the next ten pages it is visible that the convergence of the parallel sides of the boxes come closer together which is good.

    From page 25 you start placing the vanishing points further with more shallow foreshortening. This is not easy and good job on that.

    Onward from there you gradually improved and the extensions of the lines converging closer together. Your linewweight is subtle and your have drawn through all the boxes. Very good work.

    Next Steps:

    You could try to incorporate some boxes into your warmup routine with more shallow foreshortening and the vanishing points slightly farther away.

    Practice the 50% rule and move on to Lesson 2.

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
    2 users agree
    3:58 PM, Sunday January 7th 2024

    Your superimposed lines are good work. Some groups have very little fraying and all in all confident linework.

    Your ghosted lines are confident and most of them are straight. Few longer lines show a bit of arching.

    Your ghosted planes look good. Some lines show a bit of arching here as well. It might help to draw more from your shoulder. You could incorporate this exercise into your warmups to see if it improves.

    The pages with your ellipses in tables are full and you have drawn through your ellipses. You clearly aim to fit them against the marked borders. There is a little bit of overshooting visible. Good job on this exercise.

    Most of your ellipses in the ghosted planes look good although some seem not to be very evenly shaped. Try to aim for a smooth and evenly shaped ellipse.

    Your funnels look very good. The ellipses are confidently executed and drawn through. Most of them line up with the marked borders and they line up with the minor axis.

    The first two frames of your plotted perspective looks very good. You used a ruler and your horizontal edges seem to be correctly plotted. In the third frame however some of your verticals seem not be perpendicular to the horizon line. One way to avoid this is to take more time to align with the ruler.

    You used the ghosting method for your rough perspective which is good. You correctly used one vanishing point in the center of the horizon line. The front and back faces of the boxes are rectangular and you used the line extensions correctly with a pen of another color.

    Your rotated boxes are actually rotating which is good. You have drawn through your boxes and all the steps of the exercise have been completed. The gaps seem to grow a bit the further away from the center the boxes are. Try to keep them tight.

    You have used the ghosting method while drawing your organic perspective boxes. Some of the lines seem to wobble a bit. Try to keep your linework confident and smooth. It might help to repeat the steps of the ghosting method more often. The foreshortening in your boxes is not dramatic. Good work.

    I mark this lesson as complete.

    Next Steps:

    The ghosted planes exercise could help to straighten your linework with longer marks.

    The 250 Box Challenge will greatly improve your understanding of perspective.

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    10:01 AM, Sunday January 7th 2024

    i actually was working in a vacuum for 2 months but i have the feeling i am going to hit a plateau soon. to avoid this the best thing is to get my work critiqued and doing some critiques on my own i guess.

    0 users agree
    3:40 PM, Saturday January 6th 2024

    Your superimposed lines both the straight and curved ones are confident and smooth. Good work on that. There is fraying on the end which is natural.

    Your ghosted lines are confident with little to no overshooting and you hit the mark most of the time. There is little to no arching which means you use your shoulder. Very good.

    Your ghosted planes are well executed. Some of the longer lines show a bit of arching. Try to use your shoulder and stiffen your ellbow.

    Most of the ellipses are good work. You clearly aim to fit them against the borders which is difficult. Some of the smaller ellipses seem to be 'drawn through' 4 times. try to aim for 2 to 3 times.

    'Draw through' your ellipses 2 to 3 times before lifting your pen. no more, no less.

    It might be a good idea to incorporate this exercise into your warm ups for some time.

    Most of the ellipses in planes are evenly shaped and you try to hit the borders of the planes. Good Work.

    In the funnels exercise your ellipses are alignet to the minor axis and you hit the border of the funnels. The ellipses are confident executed and drawn through.

    You used a ruler for the plotted perspective exercise which is very good. Your verticals are perpendicular to the horizon line and the boxes line correctly up to the vanishing points. Very well done.

    In your rough perspective exercise you clearly used the ghosting method and executed confident lines. Very good.

    You applied one vanishing point in the center correctly and the boxes have rectangular front and back faces and you correctly applied the line extension in a different colour pen. Well done.

    The gaps between your rotated boxes are tight and seem to change the vanishing point correctly. you have drawn though your boxes. Good Work. You actually did this exercise twice.

    In your organic perspective exercise you seem to use shallow or non dramatic foreshortening which is very good. Some of the lines seem a bit wobbly and to miss the mark which didn't seem the case in the ghosted planes exercise. It might help to repeat the steps of the ghosting method more times. The boxes gradually get bigger/smaller towards the end and seem to be good executed. Good job.

    I mark the lesson as complete.

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Staedtler Pigment Liners

Staedtler Pigment Liners

These are what I use when doing these exercises. They usually run somewhere in the middle of the price/quality range, and are often sold in sets of different line weights - remember that for the Drawabox lessons, we only really use the 0.5s, so try and find sets that sell only one size.

Alternatively, if at all possible, going to an art supply store and buying the pens in person is often better because they'll generally sell them individually and allow you to test them out before you buy (to weed out any duds).

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