10:53 AM, Monday October 2nd 2023
Hi, I'll be handling your work, I hope this critique is of use to you.
for your lines
Superimposed lines well executed, but there's some wobbling. Remember that a confident line will always have priority over a wobbly line.
Ghosted lines are good. I recommend page-wide lines for this exercise, once they go into your warm-ups
Planes look great, everything is plotted and ghosted.
for your ellipses
Tables of ellipses overall are good, but there's a few that are deformed, remember to prioritize confidence and smoothness over accuracy. Your second page looks more confident overall.
Planes in ellipses look pretty good!
Funnels look good, I feel like you couldve filled the page a tad bit more, but otherwise it's all good.
onto boxes
Plotted perspective shows a good understanding of two-point perspective.
Rough perspective looks good, you understand the point of the exercise.
on your rotated boxes page there are a fair bit of boxes that are not rotating, but otherwise I think you did well.
On your organic perspective page, you did pretty well, and you understand the point of the exercise. There are a few diverging lines, and I feel like you could've pushed it a tad bit with the amount of boxes on the page.
For the last 2 exercises it's normal for it to be as hard as it is at this stage, and the 250 boxes challenge comes after this lesson either way.
Overall I think you did pretty well. I did not see any repeating lines and I hope that will transfer into later lessons and exercises.
also I like the color of the pen you're using
Next Steps:
250 boxes challenge!