

Joined 5 years ago

1450 Reputation

riquoria's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • Victorious
  • High Roller
  • Technician
  • Geometric Guerilla
  • Tamer of Beasts
  • The Fearless
  • Giver of Life
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • The Relentless
  • Basics Brawler
  • 100 Treasure Chest Challenge

  • Lesson 7: Applying Construction to Vehicles

  • 25 Wheel Challenge

  • Lesson 6: Applying Construction to Everyday Objects

  • 250 Cylinder Challenge

  • 250 Cylinder Challenge

  • Lesson 5: Applying Construction to Animals

  • Lesson 4: Applying Construction to Insects and Arachnids

  • Lesson 3: Applying Construction to Plants

  • Lesson 2: Contour Lines, Texture and Construction

  • 250 Box Challenge

  • Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes

  • Partial Lesson 1 Submission (3 / 10 exercises)

The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something we've used ourselves, or know to be of impeccable quality. If you're interested, here is a full list.
The Art of Brom

The Art of Brom

Here we're getting into the subjective - Gerald Brom is one of my favourite artists (and a pretty fantastic novelist!). That said, if I recommended art books just for the beautiful images contained therein, my list of recommendations would be miles long.

The reason this book is close to my heart is because of its introduction, where Brom goes explains in detail just how he went from being an army brat to one of the most highly respected dark fantasy artists in the world today. I believe that one's work is flavoured by their life's experiences, and discovering the roots from which other artists hail can help give one perspective on their own beginnings, and perhaps their eventual destination as well.

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