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Dimensional Dominator
Joined 1 year ago
150 Reputation
razgriz0531's Sketchbook
9:23 AM, Thursday March 7th 2024
Hi Apologies for the long time between responses. I've been very busy with work and struggling to make time for drawing but here's my two redos of those exercises. Sorry, I forgot you said not to do shiny surfaces.
11:51 PM, Wednesday February 21st 2024
Thanks for the feedback. I've redone the texture analysis and the dissections. As for the other exercises I think I'm just going to have to redraw the other 2 pages.
I don't think either one is that good and I think I'd be better off just starting again.
I'll add other comments once they're done.
7:28 PM, Tuesday December 19th 2023
It's not my first time picking up drawing. I've been doing it badly on and off since I was a kid.
I started Drawabox a couple of years ago but I dropped off, I've recently got back into it.
Cottonwood Arts Sketchbooks
These are my favourite sketchbooks, hands down. Move aside Moleskine, you overpriced gimmick. These sketchbooks are made by entertainment industry professionals down in Los Angeles, with concept artists in mind. They have a wide variety of sketchbooks, such as toned sketchbooks that let you work both towards light and towards dark values, as well as books where every second sheet is a semitransparent vellum.