9:32 AM, Monday May 2nd 2022
Sure I'll try doing more of them in different orientations in the warm ups.
Sure I'll try doing more of them in different orientations in the warm ups.
Revisions - https://ibb.co/album/2qZPW3
I made sure to follow your instructions on both of them.
Thank you for the feedback!
Hi WIll_thomp! Let's go over your boxes.
Your first page has lots of mistake like edge extension in wrong direction & divergence from vanishing points but I can see that those are very rare & you've imporved a lot through out the challenge.
Some times your edges are converging in pair(like this https://imgur.com/KSHwTwo.png), which can occur if you loose the the original vanishing point. You can almost avoid this by ghosting toward the vanishing point multiple times to better visualize it & plot vertices more accurately.
Seems like you did not used ghosting method for the hatching because they're not as smooth & confident as edges of boxes. It would've given you much more essential practice for ghosted lines. Well, I hope you keep this in mind when doing cylinder challenge.
There are also some cases like in box 77 where your hatching starts & stops at arbritrary distances, they should be starting and ending at the edges of the box. Though you did improve on this later on.
I see that you've done lineweight but they're quite wobbly & not subtle. See if this help you https://i.imgur.com/OHvr7Mb.png. It should blend with the line seamlessly, you should be ghosting for them as well & then place the mark like you would do superimposed lines. Though with practice it will improve.
You are doing great with these boxes, though I feel like you did only some boxes with shallow foreshortening & the convergence still needs some work(so more ghosting), when doing warm up you could try to spend some time on them(https://drawabox.com/lesson/250boxes/1/foreshortening).
Next Steps:
Lesson 2
Hi Luny! Hope you're doing well.
Organic Arrows
Your arrows are smooth & they're compressing & expanding as they move away & tworads the viewer.
Edges of one of the arrows is not overlaping which made that arrow more flat(see https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/4/overlap) & in one of the other arrow the second curve is vastly different from the inital curve, which make it look a bit unnatural(see https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/4/step2).
Good work on the lineweight, I can see that you've applied them on the overlapping section to hightlight what's in front.
For most part your leaves are following their flow line. Some of the folding ones are not natural & feels stiff in a way but I see that you did improve on it, so keep practicing them.
Nice work on breaking the silhouette of these leaves, though I like to remind you that it's recommended to do those construction using addition whenever possible, if you've to subtract part of the leaves then you'll have to consider whether it's raised or lowered relatively in the space.
Sometimes the ellipses here are not perpendicular to their minor axis(along with not cutting the ellipses in half), see https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/5/minoraxis. Ghost multiple time before placing the mark for them, if they're not placed well they can break the construction(here the branches) instantly.
If you're having trouble with curves of the flow line, then I recommend placing an ellipse at the peak of the curve(perpendicular to it), it would help you place the edges of branch easily.
You're gradually changing the degree of the ellipse, there are some cases(like in top right branch) where the change is drastic, see if you can avoid these as much as possible.
Sometime the edges of the branches are going astray, with enough practice you will get better on this.
Plants Drawings
In the sunflower drawing, you've drawn beyond the planned boundary. This can happen when the planned ellipse is in wrong place or different size than of the reference. You'll want to adjust other stuff to it or draw a new boundary & then draw petals within it
In the potato plant demo, I see that you didn't drew throgh the leaves. Don't worry about construction looking messy, it's bound to happen with complex drawings, just take one step at a time & draw through your forms & each flow line for these leaves.
You're doing the constructions in page 3 & 4 using the basic shapes. Don't be afraid to use a flow line for big shapes(other than leaves, branches, petals) as well, if you feel like egg plant could use a consistent flow, then use it.
I like to remind you again that you're not drawing through the forms(page 6), it's important that you draw all the construction line so you can develop better understanding. You can use lineweight or cast shadow to make even complex construction easy to understand.
You making great progress on these constructions. You do need to work on drawing through forms, keep them in mind when doing future lessons.
Next Steps:
Lesson 4
Hey Aru! Hope you're doing well.
I like that you've tried different orientations of boxes, though we were supposed to draw these boxes in just 3 point perspective so that you can develop understand the convergence(which is less so in 1/2 point perspective bc of less vanishing points).
The edges of these boxes are smooth & confidentely drawn from shoulder.
The images are not so clear to take a good look at lineweight but I can see thme in some boxes & they're smooth as well & not over done.
Most of your hatching lines are good, though some are stopping at arbritrary points inside the face(like in page 129), make sure to do them as you would do ghosted lines, so you can have even more milege for it(everone needs that :D).
There are also some cases(like in page 137 & 159) where the edges are converging in pair & not together at a single vanishing point. This can happen if you loose a vanishing point while plotting other edges, you should be ghosting toward the vanishing point multiple times to visualize it's location & then ghost from other vertices to ghost for more accurate convergence.
You've extended the edges in right direction for more part but there are few boxes where you did them wrong(especially in first page) for boxes with 3 vanishing points. Your extensions should always follow the direction of edges from inital Y(sadly you didn't followed the Y instruction carefully for all of your boxes), so they go away from viewer.
Overall I can see that you uderstood the convergence of these boxes in different orientations.
Though it was instructed to use Y to form your boxes with all of the angles greater than 90(so they can be 3 point perspective boxes) & clearly you didn't follow this instructions in many boxes(like in page 183, 231, etc). If you want to do boxes with less vanishing points for variations, you could also do them in your warm ups as they're in exercises from lesson 1.
For future lessons & challenges(especially for the cyllinder) make sure to follow the instructions & of course you're free to experiment outside the exercises.
EDIT: Sorry I mean feel free to start lesson 2(not 3, can't edit that part unfortunately)
Next Steps:
Feel free to start lesson 3
It's actually recommended to do plant drawings(& insects/animals in future lessons) using references outside of the demos. Demos help you in understanding how you can think about constructions in differents stuffs(because even in plants, there are lots of variety). So feel free to use references from now on.
Hey nice work on these pages. You ellipses are little loose but they're drawn with confidence, so keep doing them in your warm ups & they'll become more tight.
I'll mark this one as complete.
Next Steps:
250 Box Challenge
If you don't mind I'll check your revisions & continue the critique for you here.
The advice given in previous critique was really important & I can see that in the redo you've plotted each each lines seperately instead of making the process of drawing the box a single step.
I recommend you follow this for other exercises as well(especially in your rough perspective, you've done same mistakes there as well) when doing them in your warm ups.
While it was not mentioned in the previous critique, good work on your ellipses they're smooth & confidently drawn. They will become more tight & clean with regular practice.
In Funnels sometimes your ellipses(in bottom left funnel) are not perpendicular to their minor axis. It can be hard to notice sometime but keep them in mind whenver you do ellipses since future lessons heavily rely on them.
Since your revision is quite late 6 months or so, I suggest spending some time going over the instructions again & doing some of these exercises before moving on to 250 box Challenge.
Next Steps:
250 Box Challenge
I saw your work on these prompts & all of them are nice especially the Milk & Fungi ones.
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