
Giver of Life

Joined 1 year ago

7400 Reputation

melos's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • Giver of Life
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • The Relentless
  • Basics Brawler
    1 users agree
    8:07 PM, Wednesday February 14th 2024

    Hello and welcome to drawabox. Congratulations on finishing lesson 1.

    Lines - Your superimposed lines look good, however I do notice some wobbling as you are trying really hard to aim towards the second point. It is better that you learn confidence and flow now, and accuracy later. Ghosted lines look fine, but you shouldn't go back and fix the mistakes you made, I see that you did that with a couple of these. Instead, make the mark and move on. Remember right now you are trying to worry about smoothness, flow, and confidence. Forget about accuracy. Your ghosted planes look fine, I do see however that you are still trying to go back and fix your mistakes. Confindence > accuracy dont forget that.

    Ellipses - Ellipses look rushed, especially in tables of ellipses (Please correct me if I am wrong). Remember that for this exercise you need to draw through your ellipse only 2-3 times, and make sure the ellipses fit snugly against the borders of the tables. Ellipses in planes, you are also drawing through your ellipses too many times here. With funnels, again, just drawing through your ellipses too many times.

    Boxes - Plotted perspective looks good. For rough perspective you should try to keep your VP around the center of the page. Your rotated boxes look fine, maybe add some more rotation to them. For organic perspective, try to focus on the boxes going back in space and getting consistently smaller for now.

    Next Steps:

    1 table of ellipse (draw through them 2-3 times), 1 page ghosted lines (confidence > accuracy)

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    2 users agree
    7:19 PM, Wednesday February 14th 2024

    Hello and welcome to drawabox. Congratulations on finishing lesson 1.

    Lines - Superimposed lines look good, I would have like to see some more variety though. Ghosted lines also look good, I appreciate that you added the second page with much more lines than the first.

    Ellipses - Ellipses in planes is also good. For now just worry about loosening up your arm, not accuracy. Tables of ellipses are good too. Try to remember that you should be keeping your ellipses compact, and that they should not overlap one another.

    I always hated funnels. So first of all the degree of the ellipses should be increasing as they move out from the middle (Smaller in the middle, bigger on the outside). Second, I see on one that you do not have the same amount of ellipses on one side as you do on the other side.

    Boxes - For rough perspective, you forgot to add the lines in color that go back towards the vanishing point. Rotated boxes, you need to add the hatching to be able to distinguish the sides of each box. Reread the material if you need too. Organic perspective, I liked your second page more than the first one. Especially the top portion.

    Next Steps:

    Another page of funnels. Corrections on rough perspective and rotated boxes (You can use the same pages you submitted, just add the corrections to them). Go back through lesson material if needed.

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    2 users agree
    6:06 PM, Monday February 12th 2024

    Hello SmileyLemon, welcome to drawabox and congratulations on finishing lesson one.

    Lines - Your lines look good, just remember that it is all about loosening up your arm and drawing from your shoulder (dont be stiff). Also remember to try and hit the second point that your going to on ghosted planes. Even if you miss just follow through. I like that you added some variety on superimposed lines.

    Ellipses - Your table of ellipses also looks good, be sure to remember to make the degree of the ellipses increase as they move out from the center.

    Boxes - Your boxes look good, especially in the rotated boxes. The only problem is when you started to move out more towards the edges/corners.

    Overall really good job, I won't ask for any revisions. Good luck with your first challenge!a

    Next Steps:

    250 box challenge

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    10:13 PM, Saturday January 27th 2024

    I see. Thank you for the help!!!

    4:54 PM, Wednesday January 24th 2024

    Hi FunkyMills, thank you for the critique! I have just a few questions. When you say add some of these exercises to my pool of warm ups, do you mean doing the exercise for 10-15 minutes as a warm-up? For now I'll just be doing the branches exercise since that one I struggled with the most I think. Also, for my fifth construction, when you say "As for the dirt, I suggest tackling it like a texture next time", could you please give me an example of that. I really struggle with textures.

    4:17 PM, Wednesday January 17th 2024

    awesome, great work!

    Next Steps:

    250 box challenge

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
    2 users agree
    8:35 PM, Tuesday January 16th 2024

    Hello MsPieg, I'd like to start off the review by saying great job on completing lesson 1 of the course. LINES - Your lines are already looking very confident which is really good. I like the variations you added on the superimposed lines. There is some overshooting on ghosted lines but nothing some practice can't fix. Be mindful of letting your arm be loose, not stiff, and drawing from your shoulder. The more you keep this in mind now, the easier it will become later on. Ghosted planes look fine, although, it looks like you did them in pencil? (the ones with no ellipses) Please correct me if I am mistaken. ELLIPSES - Your ellipses look good as well. I like how compact you made them on tables of ellipses ( as they should be). For the funnels exercise, try to make the ellipses get larger as they move out from the center. BOXES - Your rough perspective looks pretty good. For rotated boxes, remember to shade the edges not facing the viewer. Overall, really great work, it almost seems like you have done this before, either that or you have a very steady hand. In any case, great job and I think you are ready to face the 250 box challenge. GOOD LUCK!

    Next Steps:

    250 box challenge

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    8:23 PM, Tuesday January 16th 2024

    Hello Novembr, I will be reviewing your lesson 1 homework. I would like to start off by saying great job on completing the first lesson. LINES - They look good, for the most part. Only thing I would like to mention is on ghosted lines there is some overshooting. Be sure to lift your hand off the paper right as you hit the second dot. Also be mindful of loosening up your arm and drawing from your shoulder, the more you focus on this now the easier it will become. ELLIPSES - These are good too, I like how compact they are in the tables of ellipses exercise, and how they fill up your ghosted planes, really well done. For the funnels exercise, make sure to try and make the ellipses get bigger as they move out from the center. BOXES - Make sure to use the ghosting method even for these boxes. Your organic perspective looks really good, it seems like you're making good use of the ghosting method. Overall really great work. I think you are good for the 250 box challenge. Good luck!

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    8:12 PM, Tuesday January 16th 2024

    Hello AgitaTree, I would like to start off by saying great job on completing lesson 1. LINES - For superimposed lines remember to start at the same spot you started in the beginning each time. Be mindful of letting your arm be loose and drawing from your shoulder. The more you do this now, the easier it will become. ELLIPSES - In ghosted planes, it does not seem like you are drawing 2-3 times through your ellipses for some of them, be sure you do that. Tables of ellipses, make sure you keep your ellipses compact and that they fill up the entire space. Same with funnels, they should be compact and get bigger as they move outwards from the center. BOXES - Your boxes look pretty good, especially the rough perspective, I feel like thats the one most students struggle with. Overall, really great job and I think you are ready to move on to the 250 box challenge.

    Next Steps:

    250 box challenge

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    0 users agree
    8:04 PM, Tuesday January 16th 2024


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The Science of Deciding What You Should Draw

The Science of Deciding What You Should Draw

Right from when students hit the 50% rule early on in Lesson 0, they ask the same question - "What am I supposed to draw?"

It's not magic. We're made to think that when someone just whips off interesting things to draw, that they're gifted in a way that we are not. The problem isn't that we don't have ideas - it's that the ideas we have are so vague, they feel like nothing at all. In this course, we're going to look at how we can explore, pursue, and develop those fuzzy notions into something more concrete.

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