
Tamer of Beasts

The Indomitable (Autumn 2024)

Joined 2 years ago

9900 Reputation

melos's Sketchbook

  • The Indomitable (Autumn 2024)
  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • Tamer of Beasts
  • The Fearless
  • The Fearless
  • Giver of Life
  • Giver of Life
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • The Relentless
  • The Relentless
  • Basics Brawler
  • Basics Brawler
    8:07 PM, Saturday February 8th 2025

    Thanks for pushing me to do my best. I hope you're the person who critiques the rest of my work.

    5:29 PM, Friday February 7th 2025
    8:02 PM, Saturday February 1st 2025

    I've read every word and looked at every attachment that you've sent me. It would be pointless and a waste of time and money for me to try and do this without all the help I can get, especially since I am having a real hard time putting what I've learned to practice. The puma construction, I would say, is frontal but from a bit of a higher angle, sort of looking down on it. Or maybe it's the way its body is positioned. Anyways, thank you for the demo.

    4:03 PM, Friday January 31st 2025

    Do you think you can reply with some basic constructions of the animals I attempted in my revisions (specifically the sheep)? I know there is constructions on drawabox but there's not any of animals in front view. I'll be sure to go over your first reply each time I start a new construction.

    5:17 PM, Thursday January 30th 2025
    3:46 PM, Tuesday November 19th 2024

    oh okay that makes sense thanks!

    6:02 PM, Monday November 18th 2024

    thank you for your critique! I just have one question, what is edge detail?

    4:00 PM, Thursday August 8th 2024

    No problem! You too.

    0 users agree
    3:25 PM, Thursday August 8th 2024

    Im gonna try and help, hopefully I don't confuse you more. We're trying to stop thinking in 2D and start thinking in 3D. Try making 2 of the four points of the plane further in space (They both need to be on the same edge). Then you can play around with the perspective of the plane. Also a square is equal on all four side, with these planes you can play around with the length on all sides. Hope that helped let me know if you need an example or anything.

    6:24 PM, Monday August 5th 2024

    Hi here are the revisions -

    Also thanks a lot for critiquing my work!

The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something we've used ourselves, or know to be of impeccable quality. If you're interested, here is a full list.
Sakura Pigma Microns

Sakura Pigma Microns

A lot of my students use these. The last time I used them was when I was in high school, and at the time I felt that they dried out pretty quickly, though I may have simply been mishandling them. As with all pens, make sure you're capping them when they're not in use, and try not to apply too much pressure. You really only need to be touching the page, not mashing your pen into it.

On the flipside, they tend to be on the cheaper side of things, so if you're just getting started (beginners tend to have poor pressure control), you're probably going to destroy a few pens - going cheaper in that case is not a bad idea.

In terms of line weight, the sizes are pretty weird. 08 corresponds to 0.5mm, which is what I recommend for the drawabox lessons, whereas 05 corresponds to 0.45mm, which is pretty close and can also be used.

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