
Giver of Life

Joined 1 year ago

7400 Reputation

melos's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • Giver of Life
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • The Relentless
  • Basics Brawler
    12:07 AM, Sunday February 25th 2024

    likewise friend :)

    7:01 PM, Thursday February 22nd 2024

    awesome! you're set to move forward. Just remember for rotated boxes you should add hatching lines to the parts of the faces you can see for every box.

    Next Steps:

    250 box challenge

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
    6:58 PM, Thursday February 22nd 2024

    awesome! you're set to move forward

    Next Steps:

    250 box challenge

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    6:57 PM, Thursday February 22nd 2024

    awesome! you're set to move forward

    Next Steps:

    250 box challenge

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
    6:55 PM, Thursday February 22nd 2024

    awesome! you're set to move forward

    Next Steps:

    250 box challenge

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
    3:17 AM, Wednesday February 21st 2024

    Yeah, I forgot to actually add a question my bad. I'll be sure to go over the link you provided again. And that is correct, I keep working on the same texture until it is done. I try not to take on too much to prevent burnout. Thank you for your reply.

    2 users agree
    1:58 PM, Friday February 16th 2024

    Hello YJH, and welcome to drawabox. Congratulations on finishing lesson 1.

    Lines - Your superimposed lines look great, there is no wavering or fraying on both sides. I like the fact that you added some variety in your lines, keep doing that. Your ghosted lines are also good, though, I do notice a bit of arcing in some of your lines, remember confidence>accuracy. Finally, ghosted planes, they look really good. I like how you varied the size and shape of every plane, really good stuff.

    Ellipse - In your table of ellipses, try to make your ellipses so that they fit snuggly together. I do see that you are drawing through them at least 2 times so that is good. Also be sure to apply the ghosting method correctly to these as well. Ellipses in planes look good, it does seem like you are striving for the ellipses to touch all four edges of the plane. I must say, your ellipses look really smooth. Your funnels are good, just try to remember to have them touch the sides of the funnel.

    Boxes - Good job on both plotted perspective and rough perspective. Your rotated boxes look beautiful. Lastly, you just forgot your hatching. Also there are some boxes with dramatic foreshortening in organic perspective, just remember to keep it shallow. Really great job overall.

    Next Steps:

    250 box challenge

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    1 users agree
    8:22 PM, Thursday February 15th 2024

    Hello ChimeraCaribou, welcome to drawabox. Congratulations on finishin lesson 1.

    Lines - your superimposed lines seem to waver like you are trying to correct yourself as you are making the line. Remember, confidence > accuracy. Just let your arm be loose and go with the flow, right now it is all about learning to draw from your shoulder. Your ghosted lines seem good. Your ghosted planes also seem good. Remember that overshooting/undershooting is normal for now.

    Ellipses - Tables of ellipses seem fine, just be sure that you are drawing through your ellipses 2-3 times and that the ellipses fit snuggly in the tables. Your ellipses in planes seem fine, just remember to try and shoot for the ellipse to touch all four edges of the plane. Your funnels seem fine just try to vary the degree as you move out from the center.

    Boxes - In rough perspective, not all the boxes are sealed off completely, be sure to not rush through the exercises and to take your time as you work tyhrough the course. For rotated boxes you are missing several boxes, but I am most concerned with the ones in the corners.

    Next Steps:

    Rotated boxes with completed corners

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    1 users agree
    7:51 PM, Thursday February 15th 2024

    Hello Jackson and welcome to drawabox. Congratulations on finishing lesson 1.

    Lines - For your superimposed lines there is some wavering as you're trying to get back on to the planned trajectory. Remember, confidence > accuracy. There is a bit of fraying on the side that you are starting as well. Just be sure to start at the same point everytime you make a new line. Ghosted lines look good for the most part. There are some where you undershoot/overshoot or miss the second point but as long as you keep practicing you will get better. Your ghosted planes look good, you did forget to draw the last few lines on a couple of them though.

    Ellipses - For your ellipses, you need to draw through them 2-3 times. I see that you didn't do this for one page of ghosted planes as well as table of ellipses. For your funnels, remember to try and have the ellipses touch the sides of the funnels.

    Boxes - For plotted perspective (or in 1 and 2 point perspective in general) be sure to keep your vertical lines perpendicular to the horizon line. Rough perspective probably the hardest one for boxes. However, you managed to do quite well, just be sure to employ the ghosting method for EVERY line drawn. In rotated boxes, you should add hatching to the visible faces of each box. You also forgot to add the boxes in each corner. I know these are hard to draw but I encourage you to do so. Organic perspective looks pretty good. It has gradual convergence which and you seem to have a solid understanding of drawing boxes in space.

    I hate to give revisions but you really will benefit from them.

    Next Steps:

    One page of table of ellipses (Draw through your ellipses 2-3 times) and the rotated boxes page with the finished corners (Use the same page just add the boxes in the corners)

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    4 users agree
    8:19 PM, Wednesday February 14th 2024

    There are prompts you can find here - I also struggled with this but lately I have not really been paying any mind to whether or not I make something great or even decent. I know that with enough practice I'll be where I wanna be and you will too. We just gotta keep grinding. And I used to think that everytime I put my pen to the paper, I had to make something awesome, or cool or beautiful. That is not how it works. Our creative juices are not always flowing. Art is a journey and we are constantly getting better. Love the process, keep grinding, and dont give up.

The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something I've used myself. If you're interested, here is a full list.


This is another one of those things that aren't sold through Amazon, so I don't get a commission on it - but it's just too good to leave out. PureRef is a fantastic piece of software that is both Windows and Mac compatible. It's used for collecting reference and compiling them into a moodboard. You can move them around freely, have them automatically arranged, zoom in/out and even scale/flip/rotate images as you please. If needed, you can also add little text notes.

When starting on a project, I'll often open it up and start dragging reference images off the internet onto the board. When I'm done, I'll save out a '.pur' file, which embeds all the images. They can get pretty big, but are way more convenient than hauling around folders full of separate images.

Did I mention you can get it for free? The developer allows you to pay whatever amount you want for it. They recommend $5, but they'll allow you to take it for nothing. Really though, with software this versatile and polished, you really should throw them a few bucks if you pick it up. It's more than worth it.

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