

Joined 4 years ago

9550 Reputation

lunando's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • Victorious
  • High Roller
  • Technician
  • Geometric Guerilla
  • Tamer of Beasts
  • The Fearless
  • Giver of Life
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • The Relentless
  • Basics Brawler
    7:55 AM, Wednesday January 6th 2021

    Hey, it looks like you've posted the link to your original submission and not the one with the additional pages or am I missing something?

    2 users agree
    9:16 PM, Friday January 1st 2021

    Hey, Lunando here. Let's get right to it.


    In your Superimposed Lines I sometimes noticed some fraying on both ends. Try to avoid that by placing your pen carefully before each line. Moving on to your Ghosted Lines here it's quite obvious that you have a bit of a problem with wobbly lines, this can be seen all throughout your submission and is definitely something that you need to work on. Our main goal is to produce confident and smooth flowing lines, in the beginning that is our main focus. Always confidence over accuracy. Wobbling can have two main reasons: 1 you're not drawing mainly with your shoulder but rather relying too much on your wrist and elbow, or you don't ghost enough/execute the line not fast enough, leading to wobbly unconfident lines. Same goes for the Ghosted Planes although there's some improvement already.


    In your Tables of Ellipses it looks like you went through your Ellipses more than 3 times. Your Ellipses here are pretty messy and uneven, this is already getting better in your Ellipses in Planes but here it is important to mention again: confidence/smoothness over accuracy, better to have a confident ellipse not fitting in the plane than a wobbly uneven one touching all four sides. Same goes for your Funnels where you've generally done good job changing the degree of your Ellipses but in terms of smoothness there's lots of room for improvement. Take your time! Ghost a lot and then with one confident movement go through your Ellipse two times, maybe try to do the motion a bit faster. Look what works best for you.


    Plotted Perspective looks good! Your Rough Perspective apart from the mentioned line issues as well! Regarding Rotated Boxes : You've done quite well in keeping your gaps between the boxes consistent. In terms of drawing through your boxes, however, you missed quite a bit in the back. Just like the front faces form a half sphere of squares divided by equal gaps, there should be a similar half sphere in the back. Yours looks almost flat. Take a look at Uncomfortable's example again, and you'll see what I mean. Moving on to your Organic Perspective, these are done quite nicely! Your linework is definitely improving. There are a few perspective issues, but you'll have plenty of time to work on them in the 250 Box Challenge.

    Next Steps:

    So before I send you into the 250 Box Challenge I would like to see from you the following:

    -1 additional Page of Ghosted Lines focusing on confidence, smoothness and drawing from your shoulder.

    • 1 additional Page of Tables of Ellipses Taking your time to properly ghost and then going through them two times.

    Have fun and see you soon ;D

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    7:56 PM, Monday December 28th 2020

    Thanks! I'll work on matching the change in degree to the change in size in some future warmups.

    See you soon ;D

    2 users agree
    4:33 PM, Sunday December 27th 2020

    Hey KROYEM, first of all: is there a specific reason why you use your left hand instead of your dominant right hand, it will make it way harder, and I would heavily advise against it, if possible. That being said let's get started:


    I like that your lines are fairly confident and that you didn't focus on accuracy, which often leads to more wobbly and insecure lines. Our main focus is and will be confidence! In the Superimposed Lines I see some fraying on both ends of your line try to avoid that and always place your Pen carefully before executing the line. In the Ghosted Lines your lines generally are pretty well done, sometimes they are a bit wobbly/arcing, but you can work on that in your future warmups. Your Ghosted Planes, no problem by the way with the photo, are overall fine as well but there are a few lines where you struggle with the two mentioned points: wobbling and arcing.


    Here is definitely a lot of room for improvement! In your Tables of Ellipses they are very wobbly and don't demonstrate any kind of confidence which is what we always strive for. Always put confidence over accuracy!!! So better have a smooth ellipse which doesn't fit perfectly in the designated space than a wobbly insecure ellipse which fits in the space. Try to plan your marks more, meaning spend more time ghosting and when you’re confident in your motion, execute it without hesitation. And maybe try to do it faster, leaving no room for your brain to try and correct anything. Your Ellipses in Planes actually look way better already, the mentioned issue is still visible but not as strong anymore they are way smoother and confident, still room for improvement though! Your Funnels on the other hand are again very wobbly, you did a pretty good job in changing their degree and aligning them to their minor axes but confidence is waaay more important than that!


    No issues in your Plotted Perspective. I'm missing one page of the 2 assigned for the Rough Perspective. Apart from the mentioned line issues they are pretty well done. So let's get to the Rotated Boxes, since that was an exercise you weren't supposed to be ready for you made a good try! A few points I want to mention: First, for this exercise it is pretty important that you keep the spaces between your boxes consistent, since that will make it a lot easier as you can use the as guides for following lines. Also, if you look at the example, you can definitely see the front planes of the outer boxes, in your case 3 of the 4 actually aren't visible. Another thing I want to touch on is your hatching. It looks a bit rushed and not done with that much care. If you hatch something in, don't rush it or do it sloppily make sure it's neat and tidy. (-> Ghosting, even spacing etc.). Your Organic Perspective has some perspective issues, but you'll wok on that in the 250 Box Challenge, so nothing to worry about. They diminish in size as they get further away and your lines generally are confident.

    Next Steps:

    So all in all, with the fact, that you've used your left hand (why exactly are you doing that? Seems a bit crazy to me since drawing is hard enough on it's one!), you did a good job! Before you move on though I want you to submit the following:

    • 2 Pages of Ellipses in Planes, re-reading the instructions and keeping in mind what I've said in my critique

    • And the missing page of the Rough Perspective

    Have fun! Just reply with them to this critique and I will take a look at them ;)

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    1:20 PM, Sunday December 27th 2020

    I don't know that specific one, but would recommend to you that you get a proper fineliner, if that isn't one, as soon as possible ;)

    8:55 AM, Saturday December 26th 2020

    What kind of pen are you using currently?

    0 users agree
    11:09 AM, Friday December 25th 2020

    Okay now this is looking better! You've correctly applied your Line extensions this time! I can definitely see improvement throughout your boxes but there are still a few things I want to mention.

    First of all: Did you scan these pages or did you take photos? I'm asking because your lines look pretty faded and scratchy So either try to just take regular photos of them so there isn't any kind of editing and sharpening done by your scanning software which might be the cause of it. But if your taking photos or scanning without additional editing another reason might be that you're holding your pen not perpendicular, so at a 90-degree angle, to your paper not allowing the ink to flow properly leading to that faded and scratchy line quality. Another cause might be that your pen is running out of ink, but since this can be seen through your whole submission, so I think this not very likely. So make sure to check whatever is causing the lines to look as faded as they currently do and try to avoid it from now on.

    Another point I want to stress is, that you sometimes when one of your lines or angles was of just drew another line in order to correct the old line. Try to avoid that! It will only lead more attention to the mistake itself, rather than fixing anything. If you feel like a line didn't go the way you wanted it to go, just accept it and go with the "wrong" line anyway.

    Apart from that I think you made progress and now are ready to tackle Lesson 2, but I would still heavily recommend that you include boxes in your warmup exercises, since you now only have done 50 with the line correction method.

    Next steps:

    Move on to lesson 2, but keep practicing boxes and everything from lesson 1 as your 10-15min warmups before you start drawing. Explained here:

    9:24 AM, Friday December 25th 2020

    Sure, I will take a look at it later today ;)

    12:54 PM, Wednesday December 9th 2020

    Thanks a lot for your thorough critique! And yeah I have to admit, that I was a bit lazy didn't put as much time and focus into my hybrid as I probably should've done.

    I will definitely keep practicing them on my own!

    2 users agree
    2:23 PM, Sunday November 22nd 2020

    Hey ASMAE, let's get right to it.

    First of all a general tip:

    Try to always make the best possible photos of your art.

    It makes it easier to critique and more pleasing to look at. A good presentation is always worth it in my opinion.

    If you have a scanner maybe try that or shoot the photos under daylight outside, which should ensure good lighting and no shaky/blurry pictures.

    Now lets get to the critique:


    In your Superimposed Lines, especially on the first page, I see a lot of fraying on both ends. Try to avoid that. Moving on to your Ghosted Lines I see on almost every line quite a strong tendency to arc your lines. More about that and how to avoid it here.

    Ghosted Planes here the Photos make it a bit hard to tell, but what I see look alright. Sometimes a bit of overshooting but nothing too dramatic.


    In your Tables of Ellipses you seemed to have some confidence issues. Your lines get shaky and the Ellipses uneven. Always value confidence more than accuracy. Meaning better miss the location with your Ellipses, rather than having them all wobbly. This is noticeable throughout all of your Ellipse work. Check this out:

    It's getting a bit better in the Funnels but still...


    In the Plotted Perspective you place some of your boxes too close to the vanishing points leading to a bit of distortion but nothing to worry about too much. Explained here. In the Rough Perspective you didn't really apply any foreshortening aka perspective to your boxes, your lines are rather parallel than converging. The boxes in the Rotated Boxes aren't the same size and some of them don't actually rotate. The same problem from the Rough Perspective can be seen in the Organic Perspective but you'll work on these kinds of issues enough during the 250 Box Challenge.

    Next Steps:

    Before I send you into the 250 Box Challenge I would like you to additionally submit:

    1 Page of Tables of Ellipses

    1 Page of Ellipses in Planes

    Read the instructions again and make sure to keep all of what I said in my critique and here: in mind.

    Looking forward to your revisions.

    See ya! ;)

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
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Framed Ink

Framed Ink

I'd been drawing as a hobby for a solid 10 years at least before I finally had the concept of composition explained to me by a friend.

Unlike the spatial reasoning we delve into here, where it's all about understanding the relationships between things in three dimensions, composition is all about understanding what you're drawing as it exists in two dimensions. It's about the silhouettes that are used to represent objects, without concern for what those objects are. It's all just shapes, how those shapes balance against one another, and how their arrangement encourages the viewer's eye to follow a specific path. When it comes to illustration, composition is extremely important, and coming to understand it fundamentally changed how I approached my own work.

Marcos Mateu-Mestre's Framed Ink is among the best books out there on explaining composition, and how to think through the way in which you lay out your work.

Illustration is, at its core, storytelling, and understanding composition will arm you with the tools you'll need to tell stories that occur across a span of time, within the confines of a single frame.

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