4:09 AM, Saturday July 2nd 2022
Could you elaborate on the "lines are too thick"? I very well know that you shouldnt do this digitally but before I discovered drawabox (and the fact that digitally isnt as good as traditional in terms of learning how to draw) I wasted almost 1/3 of my backup savings on a digital tablet, so even though I now know that was a mistake, im determined on doing it all digitally just because of how much it costed to get. Isnt there some sort of possible compromise, say, just lower the size option in Krita (the program I use) so it draws smaller? I do almost everything with the size option set to 10.20 px but some exceptions, like ellipses or perspective, I use 4.74 px. Couldnt I just continue digitally but set it to something smaller like 2 px?. Also lesson 1 homework does say fineliner size 0.5 is just a recommendation unless Im paying someone for pre-written text. https://imgur.com/a/YR6I6xV
btw even If im honestly kinda mad at the "do it in fineliners" talk, I would still like to thank you for taking the time to review my attempt. I swear I was gonna go slowly insane If I just kept posting attempt after attempt and noone cared.
I just realized yesterday that you had to draw the ellipses twice... unfortunately I already did almost 50 pages of ellipses at that point.
Im gonna use everything you told me for what remains of my 6th attempt (that hopefully goes better than this one).