1:58 AM, Saturday December 24th 2022
Hey there!
Welcome back! I've had a look through your submission and I'd like to first give overall feedback. It seems you have rushed in parts and would like to remind that breaks and internalisation are as important as doing the work. Go slow to go fast -- first get your body to remember the mechanics, then the speed and precision will come in time.
My other concern is, do you have anything underneath your pages when you're drawing? I would suggest at least having 10-15 pages of copy paper under your work. If you already do, then don't worry about this.
Ghosting lines: Make sure you lift your pen before reaching your destination or starting a new line. If you don't lift it in time you get unsightly marks at the destination or if you don't lift it before starting a line you'll get hooks.
Hatching: Whenever you hatch, try to go from line to line (or edge to edge). Treat hatching as you would any ghosted line.
Ellipses: Good effort on the ellipses. However try to avoid making the minor axis sides straight. They should still have a curve to them throughout. Otherwise you will end up with sausages and will have problems with some shapes and forms down the line.
I will be requesting revisions for your submission.
Going forward I suggest doing ghosted lines and ellipses as your warmup until you feel you've got a handle on them.
EDIT: I forgot to mention your rotated boxes exercise. It's a difficult exercise. I had a lot of problems with it as well. I suggest trying it again after you have completed the 250 box challenge!
Next Steps:
1 page of ghosted lines: Take your time to ghost the lines. Prioritise confidence in getting the line straight, and accuracy of getting the line from dot to dot as your second priority. Accuracy will come in time! (I promise)
1 page of ghosted planes with ellipses: take your time in making the planes. Here the same: try to prioritise confident straight lines. It's okay if you're overshooting the line. It'll look better than undershooting and correcting or drawing a non-confident line. For the ellipses: confidence over accuracy! Accuracy will come. Secondly: make sure you go over your ellipses at least once, some ellipses in your submission seem to be missing that.