5:34 PM, Sunday July 18th 2021
Hello again! Let me take a look at your revision.
Your ghosted lines turned out much better here. They are a lot smoother, and it appears you are starting to get used to drawing from your shoulder. Your table of ellipses also looks better, you kept the degree and angle consistent as instructed. Of course, the issue is still the present wobbling on them, so you don’t seem to let go of conscious control yet. What you have to remember is that you rely on your muscle memory with each mark and build it up by ghosting. Once you’re done ghosting, you let your arm draw by itself. Accuracy will be off, but will improve over time. In your tables, there are signs that you are slowly letting go of conscious control, in your last box for example, the ellipses are not very tight but are a lot smoother which is the correct way to do it. One advice I like to provide to all students to improve on their ellipse making is to begin and end at the minor axis to remove that tip of bend at the end and improve symmetry a bit.
There is still room for improvement in my opinion, but I think you understood the purpose of each exercise and are ready to tackle the challenge ahead, so I will mark your work as complete. Don’t forget to do warm-ups for 10 - 15 minutes, and prioritize the exercise you are struggling with the most. With that said, congrats on completing lesson 1 and good luck in the 250 box challenge!
Next Steps:
250 box challenge.