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inhoriul's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
    4:15 PM, Tuesday January 7th 2025

    Alright, knowing this now, I will vary my routine. Sometimes I’ll review someone’s tasks, and other times I’ll practice the previous exercises as a warm-up each day before starting any page of my boxes from the challenge. This way, I’ll build good practice with everything that has been covered so far!

    Thank you so much for the feedback!

    2:44 PM, Tuesday January 7th 2025

    Hello, good morning!

    Alright, I’ve already started the challenge of the 250 boxes, and I’m also following the 50% rule, doing a "free" drawing from my mind and posting it on the site. Sometimes I use prompts, and other times ideas just come to my mind.

    I was in doubt whether it was okay to do these exercises as a "warm-up," but it’s clear now that it is! I will add this to my routine.

    Okay, I will review the tasks of other students, and I also feel that I’ve already "forgotten" some previous content from lessons 1. That said, I’ll add reviewing to my routine as well!

    Regarding giving feedback on a review like the one you gave me, should I only worry about this later on, or should I already start commenting on other students’ posts?

    Thank you for the feedback, and have a great day! :D

    3:29 AM, Tuesday January 7th 2025

    Thanks ^^

    6:05 AM, Saturday January 4th 2025

    Understood, I will send it again with all the boxes checked, thank you for your attention!

    10:01 PM, Wednesday January 1st 2025

    Yes kkk, Ty Sz

    0 users agree
    9:54 PM, Wednesday January 1st 2025

    I liked

The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something we've used ourselves, or know to be of impeccable quality. If you're interested, here is a full list.
Sketching: The Basics

Sketching: The Basics

A lot of folks have heard about Scott Robertson's "How to Draw" - it's basically a classic at this point, and deservedly so. It's also a book that a lot of people struggle with, for the simple reason that they expect it to be a manual or a lesson plan explaining, well... how to draw. It's a reasonable assumption, but I've found that book to be more of a reference book - like an encyclopedia for perspective problems, more useful to people who already have a good basis in perspective.

Sketching: The Basics is a far better choice for beginners. It's more digestible, and while it introduces a lot of similar concepts, it does so in a manner more suited to those earlier in their studies.

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