
Joined 4 years ago

400 Reputation

imjustreddy's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
    1 users agree
    12:28 AM, Thursday July 16th 2020

    The boxes were good, but as you go further in your work you should keep ghosting as your circles do need more practice (which should happen in the upcoming future) but overall the work is nice!

    2 users agree
    2:07 AM, Wednesday July 8th 2020

    Keep up with the work! Overtime you had better linework but get some practice on it during your freetime would be pretty helpful, either with drawing something you want or using something like drawpose and restricting yourself with only circles and line usage.

    ~Still a beginner, just spending some time to look at some work.

    1 users agree
    2:56 AM, Sunday July 5th 2020

    More confidence in your strokes is probably the one thing I can find you could improve on. The first lesson it seems rushed and maybe slowing it down and placing your pen on the dot (or beginning of the line) would help. Rereading the lesson might give better insight and maybe try restricting yourself by using only your wrist or elbow or shoulder when drawing a line to reduce the fluidity when it comes with moving multiple parts of your arm. This is not in the lessons (well im not too far in the first lesson) but try angling and moving your body to feel more comfortable and confident when drawing a line.

    *Just note that I am only on the lines lessons so my opinions is a consideration that I believe would improve on the issues I think you should think of.

The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something I've used myself. If you're interested, here is a full list.
Sakura Pigma Microns

Sakura Pigma Microns

A lot of my students use these. The last time I used them was when I was in high school, and at the time I felt that they dried out pretty quickly, though I may have simply been mishandling them. As with all pens, make sure you're capping them when they're not in use, and try not to apply too much pressure. You really only need to be touching the page, not mashing your pen into it.

In terms of line weight, the sizes are pretty weird. 08 corresponds to 0.5mm, which is what I recommend for the drawabox lessons, whereas 05 corresponds to 0.45mm, which is pretty close and can also be used.

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