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ifj's Sketchbook

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    10:25 PM, Wednesday February 3rd 2021

    So I started Drawabox at the beginning of January 2021 and I just got done with lesson five and working on the 250 cylinder challenge. I have also completed three of the challenges (box, texture, now working on cylinder challenge). I work on Drawabox everyday (no breaks; weekends included). I find that I maybe working at a faster pace then most since I've heard it has taken people a couple weeks just to get done with the first lesson but as Uncomfortable says it just depends.

    I'd like to add that I have completed all the homework assignments so far that has been given

    9:13 PM, Sunday January 24th 2021

    You are absolutely right! I think I need to work on my patience I have a desire to just start creating great works of art but that's not the point right now, the point is to learn and understand what is being taught. I gotta just enjoy the process and enjoy the journey of learning art.

    9:07 PM, Sunday January 24th 2021

    Thank you it's good to know I am not the only one. When you say there was just too much lacking with the drawabox method what do you mean exactly? Do you mean there was too much lacking knowledge for yourself? Or do you mean that there was too much lacking in terms the lesson themselves i.e. details. Cause I find myself thinking there is too much in the lessons details. It's funny cause in one of Drawabox demos (I think the animal heads demo) you see Uncomfortable make a big transition from the construction to detailing the animal, and he jokes about the "draw the rest of the owl" meme, but I sort of actually feel like that when taking on the homework. I appreciate your advice, thank you :)

    P.S. Uncomfortable if you are reading this, I'm no way insulting your method I just think I might be slightly slow at this lesson haha.

    6:48 PM, Sunday January 24th 2021

    Thank you for this, I do realize that comparing myself to other students is just asking for unneeded frustration. We definitely do all learn at a different pace and somethings will be easier for people to comprehend. Honestly I came to the conclusion that I just want to try and do basic construction of the animals instead of adding in the texture or details to them. This is probably deviating away from Uncomfortable's method but I just think adding everything, especially to a complex figure like an animal, is just too much for me at the moment. I plan to stick with this lesson a little bit longer than I did with the other lessons. I will also try your method in constructing the animals. Again, I appreciate your response :)

    6:46 PM, Sunday January 24th 2021

    I always want to follow any course I do to a T without having to use outside references soley for the reason that it may end up confusing me. On the other hand when it comes to a specific body part like the snout for example, I was able to get a better grasp of it without feeling that it sidesteps the Uncomfortable's lesson. All in all I just realize that the more I work on it the more I will better understand how to construct and the better I will grasp the lessons.

    6:42 PM, Sunday January 24th 2021

    Thank you for this, I do realize that comparing myself to other students is just asking for unneeded frustration. We definitely do all learn at a different pace and somethings will be easier for people to comprehend. Honestly I came to the conclusion that I just want to try and do basic construction of the animals instead of adding in the texture or details to them. This is probably deviating away from Uncomfortable's method but I just think adding everything, especially to a complex figure like an animal, is just too much for me at the moment. I plan to stick with this lesson a little bit longer than I did with the other lessons. I will also try your method in constructing the animals. Again, I appreciate your response :)

The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something I've used myself. If you're interested, here is a full list.
Staedtler Pigment Liners

Staedtler Pigment Liners

These are what I use when doing these exercises. They usually run somewhere in the middle of the price/quality range, and are often sold in sets of different line weights - remember that for the Drawabox lessons, we only really use the 0.5s, so try and find sets that sell only one size.

Alternatively, if at all possible, going to an art supply store and buying the pens in person is often better because they'll generally sell them individually and allow you to test them out before you buy (to weed out any duds).

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