
Giver of Life

The Indomitable (Spring 2024)

Joined 3 years ago

1450 Reputation

himanknyx's Sketchbook

  • The Indomitable (Spring 2024)
  • The Indomitable (Winter 2023)
  • The Indomitable (Autumn 2023)
  • The Indomitable (Summer 2023)
  • The Indomitable (Spring 2023)
  • The Indomitable (Winter 2022)
  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • Giver of Life
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • The Relentless
  • Basics Brawler
    1:39 PM, Sunday January 15th 2023

    First of all, Thank you!! I was starting to doubt whether what am I doing in 50 percent didn't fulfill its purpose!!

    It's been 2 years since I first started drawing, for all these years I have only collected information I could and somehow found some of these free resources (DRAWABOX included).

    It's maybe due to my background or the place I live in that I can't have access to the paid tutorials or so. Even if I had done access to paid tutorials I would apply to courses which may be about digital drawings or backgrounds because my free plan will somehow or a little , will teach me about figures , enough to convey my stories or to open a account to publish.

    It was only few months back that I thought of making manga in future years but somehow dropped it ( not because I think I may not be good at it but of that I don't have any access to tools either for making it or of learning it)!!


    AS FOR THE books,. It maybe rooted to some academic stress or so, that whenever I open a book to read it makes me think as if I have to memorise everything for there is exam tomorrow

    I hope you are doing well!!!

    6:25 AM, Sunday January 15th 2023

    I am hoping if you can guide me through some queries I have presented before!!????????

    3:59 PM, Friday January 13th 2023

    Yes, you are absolutely right.

    After analysing the problems with my both progress and process is the FEAR OF DRAWING BAD !!!!

    Even though I have watched drawabox video about mindset and other videos and so countless times, I still find myself strucking right into this monster.

    The fear was so overwhelm that it almost made me quit art few months ago

    This fear even knocks on door even when I am doing 50 percent drawing. I find that it has adversely affected the drawing I had done even if they were for fun.

    1:54 PM, Friday January 13th 2023

    Damn,! Use and throw method ????

    If you don't mind , can you explain/ elaborate your last paragraph a little more because I think that's a important part for progress, I would be happy to hear more for you!!

    5:47 AM, Friday January 13th 2023

    Thanks mate!! If you don't mind , can you please again send the image , I can't fully figure it out. Here is the one I did , again after countless times


    5:13 AM, Friday January 13th 2023

    Actually it's hard for me to maintain doing drawabox lessons, left alone the 50 percent one.

    Moreover it will become more complex for me if I start doing figures along with drawabox.

    That's why i was asking whether should I draw figures in 50 percent rather than the drawing prompts!

    But after completing it I have planned a 6 to7 years complete schedule for figure, like a plan for free, gathered from different resources because I don't have any MONEY.

    HERE IS MY PLAN if you are interested-

    Gathering basic information about humans(like torso one)- 1year

    Love Life Drawing( beginner series, fresh eyes, assignment list)- 3 years

    Curriculum for solo artist- 3 years.

    After all this I would see what I lake (must be background or so) and after that animation and then posting on media for money!!

    For like books, l usually take less care as I hate reading!! Moreover I there were to be any books they are in pdf form!

    If you have some other FREE resource that you think I should include , you can tell me ????

    Here is an unsolicited advice : if you are thinking of joining a specific gaming company in character design,

    You should try learning the style and design of a specific gaming company. A league of legend company will never apoint a call of duty type of artist!!

    2:28 PM, Thursday January 12th 2023

    Thanks for your thoughts!! Actually i was struggling with the helmet itself. Here it's reference and how I did it


    It would of of great help if you tell me how you would go about deconstructing it.

    My crazy mind pick the most difficult Helmet present on Pinterest rather than other where front is plane.

    Can you also please expand your thought where you said that "I have move one step ahead"

    Thanks ones again

    11:50 AM, Thursday January 12th 2023

    I really appreciate and thank you for all the information that you have shared with me till now

    From the start , I was quite interested in animating the fights that my mind produce, mostly with swords or any weaponry. Till now I have thought as many fight scenes as my age in years but didn't try to put a single mark to replicate it.

    And I know that being knowledgeable about the human figures is its core and that's a difficult path that my mind has chosen to walk on. That's why after completion of the drawabox course , I would start with figure stuff.

    I was thinking whether I should involve the fights and stick figures in the 50 percent rule !!

    Moreover I am also interested in knowing why you started drawing at the first place

    It would be ABSOLUTE banger if drawabox included the figure part again in its course!!!

    6:52 AM, Thursday January 12th 2023

    Hey, thank you very much for your thoughts!!!

    Where you have said "applying what you have learned into actual drawing" , I think that's very important part.

    Can you please provide more in-depth of it because I think I didn't understand something in it!!

    For example say the torso was the" very first thing" I learned about figures!! Once I have done it's practice and grasp the basic understand of it like a little bit of anatomy , shape of the chest muscles, different connections, proportions of muscles , like that

    How would I incorporate into an actual drawing ( like WHAT DRAWING) because it was the only and the very first thing I learned about humans!!!

    More over should I also draw squash and stretch in rotation or just simple movement in X and y axis??!

    4:48 PM, Wednesday January 11th 2023

    My greatest gratitude for you, if i have some other doubts , I would be glad to be seeing you there!!!

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How to Draw by Scott Robertson

How to Draw by Scott Robertson

When it comes to technical drawing, there's no one better than Scott Robertson. I regularly use this book as a reference when eyeballing my perspective just won't cut it anymore. Need to figure out exactly how to rotate an object in 3D space? How to project a shape in perspective? Look no further.

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